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American media: “Ron DeSantis” is the new leader of the American Republican Party

Pak Sahafat – The American Fox News channel close to the Republicans announced that the biggest winner of the mid-term elections is undoubtedly “Ron DeSantis”, the governor of Florida, who was able to decisively win again in the elections on Tuesday.

On Wednesday local time, this American media added: The biggest winner of the midterm elections is undoubtedly Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who was able to decisively win again in Tuesday’s election.

Fox News added: The biggest loser of this election is Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, whose selected candidates could not defeat their vulnerable Democratic rivals in some election contests.

This American media continued: Once again, Donald Trump may become the cause of the failure of the Republicans to gain control of the Senate.

Fox News stated: Based on the 2022 midterm results, many will conclude that the Republican Party can continue on its path without the leadership of Donald Trump.

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The American media reported the increase in the possibility of the Democrats winning in the mid-term congressional elections

The media close to the Republicans continued: From the very first days of the mid-term elections, Trump’s critics accused him of trying to advance his goals instead of giving priority to winning seats for the Republican Party.

Trump supported candidates who were personally loyal to him and supported his claim that the election of Joe Biden as the President of the United States was illegitimate.

Fox News added: Democrats have strongly criticized election deniers. In his travels across America, Joe Biden warned that the election of such candidates is a threat to democracy, although this slogan of the Democrats failed to attract Americans because they are very worried about economic issues and inflation.

Former US President Donald Trump voted for the Republican governor of Florida, who is his possible opponent in the 2024 presidential election, by participating in the congressional mid-term elections.

The former US president told reporters on Tuesday, November 8, local time, that he voted for Ron DeSantis, the Republican governor of Florida.

Trump actually voted for the person who is likely to be his main rival in the Republican intra-party race for the 2024 presidential election.

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