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Sunday, September 22, 2024

America is building a “warship” for Saudi Arabia

Pak Sahafat – News sources announced on Wednesday night that an American company plans to build a warship for Saudi Arabia.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report from the “Sharq Economy” website, Roy Beasley, Vice President of Commercial Affairs of the American Lockheed Martin Armaments Company, said on the sidelines of the “IDX 2023” defense exhibition in Abu Dhabi: With the start of the construction of this ship, a center for maintenance, repair and renovation will also be built in Saudi Arabia.

According to this report, in October 2022, Saudi officials and Lockheed Martin company officials announced the start of the construction of the second warship in line with the “Toweeq” project.

Saudi Arabia and Lockheed Martin are jointly implementing a project called “Toweeq” to build four warships in Saudi Arabia.

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Beasley welcomed Lockheed Martin’s investments in Saudi Arabia and called for an increase in the volume of these investments.

The Vice President of Commercial Affairs of the Lockheed Martin Arms Industries Company claimed that this company is committed to localize the manufacturing of military equipment in Saudi Arabia and billions of dollars have been invested in this field and more will be done.

Pointing out that there are parts for the THAAD anti-missile system that are produced in Saudi Arabia, he claimed: We want to localize the process of manufacturing parts in Saudi Arabia, so instead of producing parts for a system that is going to be purchased, we are trying to create capabilities to manufacture these parts locally.

Saudi Arabia announced that it has reached an agreement with the American company “Lockheed Martin” to manufacture parts of the THAAD anti-missile system in this country.

The General Directorate of Military Industries announced the approval of two localization projects for the manufacture of interceptor missile launchers and the construction of missile containers in cooperation with Lockheed Martin, which is one of the localization projects of the THAAD air defense system.

These projects are carried out in line with the strategy of the General Directorate of Military Industries of Saudi Arabia to strengthen cooperation with its international partners from different countries of the world with the aim of helping to support the localization process of the military industries of this country.

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