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Al Jazeera reported: The inability of the Zionist regime against cyber attacks

The Zionist regime has turned cyber warfare into one of the newest arenas of war, but at the same time it is suffering from the heavy costs of this confrontation and its damages.

According to Al-Jazeera news website, the military and security circles of the Zionist regime along with the land, sea and air arenas; they have launched a new front against their enemies, which is the front of electronic warfare or cyberspace. The Zionist regime has used its vast intelligence and financial capabilities in this area, and this shows the importance and dangers of this area, which showed its latest manifestation in the attack on the Natanz nuclear facility in Iran.

The concept of cyber attacks

The security systems of the Zionist regime describe cyber-attacks as attacks from unknown and at the same time destructive sources, which has been dubbed the War of the Shadows. According to Israeli spy reports, these attacks are one of the most important weapons used against the Israeli army, and usually target Israeli infrastructure as well, shutting down their activities.

It has been about 16 years since the Zionist regime entered the technology war. The regime believes that electronic attacks on the war front between elites are in the dimension of intelligence against hostile countries and groups. The Zionist regime sees cyber threats as a threat to its infrastructure, which targets cabinet centers, security institutions, water and sewage companies, command and control centers, and banks.

The Zionists admit that the lack of improved digital communications between the various branches and units of the army has led to the spread of cyber-attacks against it. In addition, Israel’s economic infrastructure and military industry have been subjected to unusual electronic attacks in recent months.

The role of Hamas in cyber-attacks against Israel

The Hamas movement, although it has very little ground in the field of electronic warfare, has made good investments in this field over the past decade and has entered the field of electronic warfare against Israel. The goal of the Hamas movement is to gather intelligence from the Israeli army. In the first war in Gaza in 2008, Hamas launched a cyber-attack on a number of Israeli electronic sites. In 2013, a group of hackers named Izz al-Din al-Qassam fighters hacked the website of American Express in Israel.

During the 2014 war, the number of cyber-attacks on the sensitive positions of the Zionist regime expanded significantly. In 2017, it was revealed that the phones of dozens of Israeli soldiers and officers had been hacked by Hamas hackers. However, in their conversations and contacts in cyberspace, they talked about military issues and military training and preparation of the Israeli military.

Zionist officials have repeatedly expressed concern about possible cyber-attacks against the regime in response to Zionist aggression against various popular groups in the region. Former Mossad chief Tamir Pardo says cyber warfare is a threat of chaos with a weapon that is likely to achieve more victories in the future. Israel’s enemies do not need planes or missiles in this supply. Only by possessing technological facilities and cyber capabilities can they paralyze all areas of work in Israel.

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