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Ahmad Salman Rushdi; The life story of a condemned man

One of Salman Rushdie’s books titled “Shame” won the award for the best foreign novel of the book of the year in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Pak Sahafat – Salman Rushdie is a well-known and hated name among Muslims, and this issue is related to his book in which he insulted the Prophet of Islam numerously.

His full name is Ahmad Salman Rushdie. He was born in 1948 in Mumbai, India, in a Muslim family and his mother was Nagin Bhatt.

His father, Anis Ahmad Rushdi, was a lawyer, businessman and a graduate of Cambridge University in England. According to Rushdi, his father had adopted the name Rushdi from the name of Ibn Rushd; Ibn Rushd was one of the greatest Islamic philosophers of the 6th century.

Although the Rushdi family was Muslim, they did not follow the rules of Islam.

Salman Rushdie said in an interview: “Although my family was Muslim, there was no religion in our house and we went to the mosque once a year. My nanny and friends were Christians, and my father drank alcohol.”

In addition to the family background, the teenage Rushdie’s education in the English school “John Cannon’s Cathedral and School” in India provided the basis for his distance from Islam as much as possible.

Salman Rushdie completed his university studies at the Royal University of Cambridge in the field of history and became a British citizen.

Salman Rushdie married 4 times, all of which were unsuccessful.

From the growth of a writer to the growth of an apostate

Rushdie has written several books, including Grimmous, Midnight’s Children, Cheetah’s Smile: A Journey to Nicaragua, Aaron and the Sea of ​​Tales, In Goodwill, The Wizard of Oz, Rage, A Step Across the Line, Shalimar the Clown, The witch of Florence and …” pointed out.

One of Rushdi’s books titled “Shame” and translated by Mehdi Sahabi won the best foreign novel book of the year award of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

While in Iran and the world, Salman Rushdie was being recognized as a capable novelist, writing a book that was the biggest mistake of his life changed his fate and forced him to live a secret life of his profession from the age of 41: “Satanic Verses”.

The satanic verses, rather than originating from the historical facts of early Islam, were the result of the imaginations of a storyteller.

This book, which was full of insults to the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) and the sanctities of more than one billion people, provoked the reaction of Muslims in different countries and caused numerous protest demonstrations in different parts of the world against Salman Rushdie.

Issuance of Fatwa on the death of Salman Rushdie

After the news of the publication of this book reached Iran, Imam Khomeini issued a fatwa of death and death.

According to Islamic regulations, the punishment for insulting the Prophet of Islam is murder. Also, any Muslim who leaves the religion is an apostate and deserves to be killed.

Secret life

After this verdict, in an interview with the English newspaper “Daily Mail”, Salman Rushdie said: “It was not a good feeling. I felt that I was a dead man… It was impossible for me to walk without a personal bodyguard, go shopping, see my family, and fly in a plane and all this at that time.”

To prevent the execution of the sentence, the British police became his protection officer. However, the high costs of round-the-clock protection of Salman Rushdie provoked protests among British taxpayers, and finally Rushdie left England for America and settled in New York.

In all these years, Rushdie has been the focus of American and European political and literary circles, including in 2007, Queen Elizabeth II gave him the title of “Knight” and dozens of literary awards, including the European Union Aristeo Award, Booker Award, Sweden’s Kurt Tokhovski, Italy’s Mantua Award, Germany’s Book of the Year Award, British Book of the Year Award, France’s Grand Prix of Literature and Fine Arts, etc. were awarded to him.

Execution award

After Imam Khomeini’s verdict on Salman Rushdie, the Khordad 15 Foundation set a reward of about 2,700,000 dollars for the execution of Rushdie’s death sentence. This amount reached three million 300 thousand dollars in 2012.

In 2014, a number of media participating in the digital media exhibition of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance added $600,000 to this figure and each of them accepted a part of this figure. Among others, Fars news agency announced that it will pay 100 million Tomans of this amount.

The last situation

Rushdi in America also continues to live a secret and protected life and only makes short appearances in some ceremonies.

Today, after years of not hearing from Salman Rushdie, news came that he was targeted with a knife in one of these few appearances and was taken to the hospital. His condition is critical and it is not known whether he will survive or not.

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