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Thursday, June 27, 2024

600% increase in the number of applications for weapons permits by the Zionists

The latest statistics and information show that since last March, the request for weapons permits by Zionist settlers has increased by 600 percent.

According to the Pak Sahafat news agency, quoting Russia Today, The latest statistics and information show that since last March, the request for weapons permits by Zionist settlers has increased by 600 percent.

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According to this report, Zionist sources have stated that the unprecedented increase in requests for weapons by the settlers of this regime has taken place following the intensification of martyrdom actions and operations in the occupied territories.

According to the latest official reports, since the beginning of this year, 32,000 applications for weapons permits have been submitted by the Zionists. In this regard, the head of the firearms department in the Israeli Ministry of Interior said that currently more than 140,000 settlers are carrying 150,000 firearms.

The Zionist official added: According to the statistics we have obtained, the average request for arms shipments has now increased to 600,000 requests during the month. Earlier, Naftali Bennett said following the intensification of Palestinian martyrdom operations: The time has come for anyone to carry a weapon.

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