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PPP workers, journalists pay tribute to Benazir Bhutto through webinar

Progressive Thoughts International organises grand webinar, titled “Bayad-e-Benazir Shaheed”.
Long-standing members of the party, overseas functionaries, and workers of PPP express their devotion to Benazir.
The speakers pay homage to Benazir while talking about the sacrifices she made.

BRUSSELS: Progressive Thoughts International organised a grand webinar, titled “Bayad-e-Benazir Shaheed” (Remembering Benazir Shaheed) on the occasion of the 14th death anniversary of Benazir Bhutto, the first elected woman prime minister of Pakistan.

The webinar was supported by PPP-Voice of Bhuttos, JBIVL, PPP Gulf/Middle East, PPP Holland and Inqalabi Awaz Forum which consisted of two sessions.

Long-standing members of the party, overseas functionaries, and workers of PPP expressed their devotion to Benazir in the first session.

The second session was attended by a long-time friend of Benazir, Victoria Schofield, renowned broadcaster and daughter of late Faiz Ahmed Faiz Moneeza Hashmi, human rights scholar Anis Haroon, renowned journalists Mazhar Abbas, Raza Rumi, and other important personalities paid tribute to Benazir.

The webinar was moderated by Saifullah Saify and prominent poet Aisha Sheikh Ashi.

On the occasion, Schofield paid tribute to Benazir and the sacrifices she made for the Bhutto family.

“As the first female prime minister of the Muslim world, Be nazir Bhutto proved herself as a world leader,” said Schofield, adding that the late prime minister did a lot to empower women.

While shedding light on the philosophies of Benazir, Moneeza Hashmi stressed the need of the hour to highlight the great achievements of Be nazir Bhutto regarding women’s empowerment.

“Be nazir Bhutto raised women’s dignity despite all obstacles and difficulties,” said Hashmi.

Anis Haroon said that “after Bibi Shaheed, no leader has emerged at the national and international level yet.”

She further said that many hopes are attached to PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto.

“He has all those qualities like his grandfather and mother and I am sure that he will lead Pakistan towards development and stability,” she said while praising Bilawal’s abilities.

Senior journalist Mazhar Abbas said: “As a journalist, I have always had a cordial relationship with Benazir.

“In my opinion, the Charter of Democracy is the second most important document in the history of Pakistan after the 1973 Constitution,” he added.

Akin to that, renowned journalist Raza Rumi said that Be nazir Bhutto is a shining example for all progressives and libertarians in the world.

“We see glimpses of their mother and grandfather in Bilawal and Asifa Bhutto,” he said.

In Charge Peoples Secretariat Sindh and former special assistant to CM Sindh Farid Ansari said that the name of the Bhuttos cannot be separated from the pages of history.

The speakers paid homage to Be nazir and said that “every passing moment is a testament to the greatness of the great Shaheed Bibi and that the name of Benazir is shining in golden letters on every brick of the nation’s development.”

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