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Friday, September 20, 2024

Pakistan’s emphasis on opposing the normalization

Pakistan’s emphasis on opposing the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime and supporting the oppressed nation of Palestine

Emphasizing his country’s firm stance against the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime and supporting the Palestinian people, the Pakistani Foreign Minister announced the forthcoming meeting of the OIC Foreign Ministers in Pakistan and said: “We are determined to promote unity and unity to face common challenges.” We are facing the Islamic Ummah.

In a press conference on Tuesday, “Shah Mahmoud Qureshi” introduced “Partnership for Unity, Justice and Development” as the main slogan of the 48th meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation hosted by Islamabad and said: “Addressing the situation in Palestine, Countering the phenomenon of Islamophobia and defending the rights of Muslim nations, including Kashmir, will be one of the important goals of the next meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

The Pakistani Foreign Minister said: “The forty-eighth meeting of Islamic Foreign Ministers will be held at a very critical time because we are witnessing the continuation of the sinister phenomenon of Islamophobia in different parts of the world, insulting Muslims, especially confronting the hijab, suffering and problems of the Afghan people.” Occupations in the region, including in Palestine, and meeting the challenges of Quaid-19.

Qureshi stressed: “Pakistan is determined to agree with its brothers from the OIC member states to defend the rights of Muslims, deny oppression and occupation, and establish security in the Middle East and South Asia.”

In response to questions about the possibility of drafting resolutions on normalizing relations with the Zionist regime or against Yemen, he said: “No country has asked Pakistan for such issues, including the resolution on Israel, there is no discussion about Yemen, of course, members of the organization.” Islamic Cooperation, as a free and independent country, is allowed to draft a resolution, the adoption of which requires the consideration and comment of other members.

“Pakistan’s position on the issue of normalization of relations with the Zionist regime has not changed and Pakistan, while strongly supporting Palestine, seeks to take practical steps to help the people of Palestine and Kashmir and other problems facing the Muslim Ummah,” he said.

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