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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Pakistani thinker : The Iranian revolution strengthened the foundations of the Islamic world

Pakistani thinker: The Iranian revolution strengthened the foundations of the Islamic world

Emphasizing the defeat of foreign conspiracies against the Islamic Revolution and the progress of Iran, the political affairs expert and leader of the youth movement in Pakistan said that preserving Islamic values ​​and strengthening the foundations of the Islamic world are prominent features of the revolution in Iran.

“Mohammad Abdullah Gol” on Tuesday, while congratulating the Fajr decade and the forty-third anniversary of the victory of the glorious Islamic Revolution to the nation and government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, said: “The Islamic Revolution led by Imam Khomeini was not limited to one nation, but to the whole world.” It was Islam and today it is necessary to know the message of the Islamic Revolution with its true words and spirit.

He added: “The revolution in Iran strengthened the Islamic world.” Since the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the enemies of Islam have been carrying out negative propaganda to tarnish its image, but they have not been able to carry out their plans against the Islamic Republic, and the Islamic Revolution continues to flourish.

Abdullah Gul, the son of General Hamid Gul, the former head of the Pakistan Army (ISI) Intelligence and Security Agency (ISI), said: “The Islamic Revolution not only brought Muslims closer to Islamic values ​​but also strengthened the Iranian nation’s resistance to the West and we are witnessing today.” That the brave country and nation of Iran will not bow to the pressures of the West.

While condemning the unilateral and oppressive sanctions against our country, he praised the diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the regional and global levels and at the same time its authority on the battlefield with oppressive powers, and said: And to this day it has suffered unjust sanctions.

Abdullah Gol added: “Unilateral sanctions have exposed the weak system of justice in the West and have been used only to prevent the progress of independent and freedom-loving nations. At the same time, the future of Iran and the Islamic Revolution is clear.”

He said: “Western countries are trying to create divisions in the Islamic world by creating chaos among Muslims and inciting sectarian issues that are contrary to the message of the Holy Quran, but the Islamic world, especially the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, should stay away from differences.” Communicate strong for unity and confrontation with common enemies.

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