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Pakistan: Israel is the main source of tension and conflict in the Middle East

Pak Sahafat – The Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations addressed the members of the Security Council, expressing deep concern about the deterioration of the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories, including Jerusalem: The severe wound caused by the occupation and crimes of the Israeli regime in Palestine is the main source of instability, tension and conflict in the entire Middle East.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report on Wednesday, citing the official sources of Pakistan, “Mounir Akram” during a speech at the UN Security Council’s public meeting titled “The situation in the Middle East”, mentioned Pakistan’s severe concern about the situation in Palestine, including the occupied Jerusalem, and warned that the continuation of the Zionist regime’s occupation will not bring any peace to the Middle East.

He considered the stable solution of the Palestinian issue to be the most urgent priority for establishing peace and stability in the Middle East and called on the members of the UN Security Council to effectively fulfill their duties to find a sustainable solution.

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Blaming the Security Council’s ineffective performance in reviving the principles of the UN Charter and international laws, Munir Akram added: Pakistan is very concerned about the deterioration of the situation in the occupied Jerusalem and the continued killing and wounding of Palestinian civilians, the destruction of their homes, and condemns the recent crime of the murder of Shirin Abu Aqla newspaper.

Referring to the key points of the Islamabad statement related to the March meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Pakistan, Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations announced: The solution of Palestine is to form an independent state with recognized borders and in accordance with the pre-1967 borders. Quds is noble.

He said: There is no moral, legal and political equality between Israel as an occupying regime and oppressed and occupied Palestine. Al-Quds al-Sharif is an inseparable part of the occupied Palestinian territories, and we ask the international community to force the occupying Israel to stop its colonial actions and adhere to all international resolutions in this regard.

Munir Akram added: The struggle of the Palestinians to determine their own destiny and implement the resolutions of the UN Security Council is legitimate, while Israel’s actions in oppressing the Palestinian people are illegitimate.

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