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Friday, September 20, 2024

‘No woman safe in Pakistan’: 35% of Pakistanis : in survey

‘No woman safe in Pakistan’: 35% of Pakistanis : in survey

Over 18,000 Pakistanis shared their views in the survey.
Most Pakistanis who see women unsafe in Pakistan are from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, while the majority who see them as safe are from Sindh.
Survey shows women are more positive

Why Pakistani Women Feel Unsafe in Public Spaces – News 100

 than men when it comes to their safety in Pakistan.

As much as 35% of Pakistanis believe that no woman is safe in Pakistan, 43% believe that the women are safe to some extent, while only 20% believe that the women are safe in the country, a survey conducted by Pulse Consultant has revealed.

At least 18,000 Pakistanis shared their views in the survey conducted by a Karachi-based market researcher, Pulse Consultant.

Most of the Pakistanis who view women as completely unsafe in the country were from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where 40% of the survey respondents vouched for women to be unsafe.

The survey showed that 35% of citizens of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa consider women safe to some extent in Pakistan, while only 19% consider them completely safe.

Similarly, 35% of people in Punjab saw women as unsafe in Pakistan, 41% saw them safe to some extent, and 21% saw them completely safe.

The rate of people who consider women unsafe in Pakistan from Sindh was 26% in the survey, while the rate of those who consider them safe to some extent was 49%. Meanwhile, 24% of the survey respondents considered them to be completely safe in the country.

The survey showed that most Pakistanis who see women safe to some extent in Pakistan are from Balochistan, where 74% of people vouched for it.

Whereas, 19% of citizens of Balochistan saw women as unsafe in Pakistan. Only 7% of the respondents from the province saw them as completely safe.

The statistics compiled in the survey based on social status suggested that 45% of people from the lower class believe that women are not safe in Pakistan.

The rate of people who saw women as unsafe from the lower middle class was 35%, 30% from the middle class, 29% from the upper-middle class, while 34% from the upper class.

Meanwhile, statistics based on gender showed the women were more positive than men when it came to their safety in Pakistan.

As many as 29% of women believe that they are safe outside the home, while only 22% of men vouched for it.

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