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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Islamabad : We have no influence over the Taliban

ISLAMABAD – The US Secretary of State has claimed Pakistan’s vital role in advancing peace in Afghanistan and called on Islamabad to use its influence over the Taliban, while Islamabad says it has no influence over the group.

According to IRNA, Pakistani media quoted Anthony Blinken as saying in an interview with various international media outlets on Friday, as the Pakistani security-intelligence team traveled to Washington.

Foreign Minister Biden called on Pakistan to use its influence and capacity against the Talibanto advance the peace process. Islamabad denies any deep influence on the Talibanstressing that the US timetable for a military withdrawal from Afghanistan has narrowed Pakistan’s influence in the Taliban. Be.

According to the report, Anthony Blinken claimed that Pakistan has a vital role to play in influencing the Taliban and that the United States hopes that Islamabad will play that role.

The senior US diplomat added that Pakistan could use its influence among the Taliban to ensure that the Taliban did not seek to seize Afghanistan by force, so Washington hoped Islamabad would play that role.

The US Secretary of State’s sharp remarks reflect the growing concern that the Taliban could take over Kabul by force and reject international efforts to establish an inclusive government in Afghanistan with the participation of all domestic factions.

Although Jobidan has pledged to withdraw all US and NATO troops from Afghanistan by September 15, he is also using his diplomatic influence to prevent Taliban domination, which is why the United States is looking to Pakistan.

Although Islamabad also wants to prevent the Taliban from occupying Kabul militarily, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan said in an interview with PBS that the US decision to set a timetable for a complete withdrawal from Afghanistan would play a role for Islamabad. Convincing the Taliban is limited.

He said the Taliban considered the withdrawal of foreign troops a victory.

Arriving in Washington three days ago, the National Security Adviser and the head of the Pakistan Army Intelligence Service met with senior US officials, members of Congress, think tanks and media representatives to try to clarify Islamabad’s position on the region and Afghanistan.

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