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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Facilitate Pakistan-Iran border exchanges / Islamabad Senate

Simultaneously with the opening of a new (informal) crossing by Pakistan in the border strip with the Islamic Republic of Iran to facilitate indigenous trade and movement of border residents of the two countries, members of the Pakistan Senate Trade Commission with the agenda of facilitating border relations and clean trade with our country.

According to official Pak Sahafat sources on Friday, members of the Senate Trade Committee’s visit to Quetta, the capital of Balochistan, will be ordered by Senate Speaker Sadegh Sanjarani, whose main agenda is to review the latest developments in bilateral trade cooperation between Iran Pakistan and addressing the issues facing its businessmen.

The visit coincides with the opening of a new border crossing by Pakistan with the aim of facilitating the movement of border residents on both sides of the border and supporting trade between the natives of Iran and Pakistan.

Pak Sahafat’s correspondent’s follow-up of the Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Quetta shows: The reopened crossing is an informal crossing that has been opened at the request of border residents on the Pakistani side to facilitate trade and movement with border residents on the Iranian side.

According to the report, a special meeting of members of the Business Committee of the Pakistani Senate is scheduled to be held in Quetta, and senior officials from the Ministries of Commerce and Economy as well as Balochistan officials and members of the Quetta Chamber of Commerce will attend.

Promoting clean trade and increasing border exchanges between Iran and Pakistan is on the agenda of the Senate Committee, and in this regard, the proposals of the Quetta Chamber of Commerce and other institutions related to cross-border cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran will be considered.

On December 7, the President of Pakistan, during a meeting with Ayatollah Ra’isi on the sidelines of the ECO Summit in Turkmenistan, stressed the importance of deepening bilateral relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran, called for the implementation of pure trade between the two countries and joint meetings to promote trade and economic interaction.

Read more: Iran emphasizes cooperation of Pakistan in combating illegal immigration: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=16576

Pakistani media reported: The reopening of new border crossings with Iran and the support of trade between the two countries is considered a historic step towards achieving common goals and helping to develop border areas.

News sources announced yesterday: A new border crossing was opened in the Raja section of the Chaghi border area in Balochistan province.

“The purpose of opening the crossing is to facilitate the movement of border residents on both sides of the border and to strengthen trade activities between the two border provinces of Iran and Pakistan,” Mansour Ahmad Baloch, a senior police official in the Chaghi region, told the media.

He added that this development is one of the positive results of the recent visit of the Speaker of the Senate of Pakistan to Tehran (to attend the inauguration of Ayatollah Ra’isi) and his meeting with the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Last week, a meeting of high-ranking officials from Balochistan, Pakistan, chaired by Mir Abdul Qudus Boznju, the state’s chief minister, was agreed to open more border crossings with Iran. Given that cross-border trade is the only source of income for the people of Balochistan, especially in the Torbat and Makran regions of the province, it was stressed that trade and business activities within the borders of the two countries should not be stopped.

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