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Emphasis on the role of Iran and Pakistan in promoting inter-religious solidarity in the Peshawar conference

Pak Sahafat – Pakistani intellectuals and leaders of religions emphasized the effective role of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan in creating harmony and unity between the heavenly religions during a speech at the conference on the convergence of divine religions hosted by our country’s culture house in “Peshawar”.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report on Sunday, on the holy days of the birth of Jesus Christ (pbuh) and the new year, the conference “Convergence of divine religions to reach a safe world” was held by the Iranian Culture House in Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa state in the northwest of Pakistan, and with the participation of the churches of Peshawar, with the presence of the special assistant Sarozir Khyber Pakhtunkhwa State in religious minority affairs, head of Iranian Culture House in Peshawar, Christian, Hindu leaders as well as prominent figures of Islamic religions were held.

Before the start of the program, white doves were symbolically flown by Mehran Eskandarian, the head of Iran’s House of Culture, Wazirzadeh, special assistant to the state minister for religious minorities, Shahrazad Murad, pastor of the Peshawar Presbyterian Church, and Mrs. Rakhshandeh Naz, a prominent judge for women’s rights in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government.

In the following, parts of the seven-part documentary “My Homeland” on the life of Zoroastrians, Armenians, Assyrians and Jews and the introduction of Kurds, Baloch and Turkmen tribes were broadcasted to the participants.

The text of the speech of Ali Akbar Ziyai, the head of the Religions and Cultures Dialogue Center, was read to the audience in English. Ziaee stated: Today, unlike in the past, when in the global system, religion was left out of the central factors of power, it has again found a central and double role in international relations. The experience of recent centuries has shown that science alone cannot open all the knots of human society and humanity always needs to rely on spiritual and divine values ​​and power.

Wazirzadeh, Special Assistant to the Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa State, said: “The verses of the Holy Quran are a clear and transparent reason for calling all the followers of religions towards the single goal and axis, which is to achieve peace and justice under the shadow of divine monotheism.”

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He added; The presented video shows the proud culture and civilization and the freedom of all religions in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the people of Pakistan are proud to have a neighbor like Iran, and it is a model for all Islamic countries in various fields, including the freedom of religions in this country.

Wazirzadeh said: Some countries are fighting terrorism, but unfortunately, others openly support extremist groups for violence and killing.

Mehran Eskandrian, head of Iran’s Culture House in Peshawar, while welcoming the dignitaries and guests participating in the conference and congratulating on the birth of Jesus Christ (PBUH) and the new year, said at the beginning of his speech: The reason for the coming of all the divine chosen ones is the prosperity and happiness of all human beings, and all the divine prophets in different periods of history tried to convey this divine message through their religious teachings, they were messengers of the path of happiness and well-being for humanity, and accordingly, the goal of divine religions is the right to freedom, peace and security and the establishment of justice in the world and this possibility should be properly used in repairing damages, problems and healing negative aspects such as deprivation, famine, hunger, extremism and dealing with natural disasters.

Mrs. Seyedah Noreen Fatemeh, Professor of Philosophy Department of Peshawar University, emphasized the solidarity of the followers of divine religions in the world community: Such a conference regarding peace and personal and religious security of monotheistic and divine religions is very necessary considering the conditions of the region and Christians and other religions live peacefully alongside Muslims in Pakistan. Of course, some villains and enemies of humanity call the shedding of human blood Jihad in the name of religion with anti-religious acts and fuel the goals of the enemies of Islam.

Pandet Sham Lal, the leader of Hindus in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa state, said: In the Holy Qur’an, the most important common words of religions are monotheism and avoidance of polytheism, and in Hinduism, the god Brahma also means God. In the religious texts of the Hindu religion, this god is described as follows: That Brahma is such that he does not belong to a class, and he does not have a shape, and there is no attribute that is separate from his essence, and he is always independent of himself and has no end. He has no allegory and human senses do not reach him and he is the helper of all.

Shahrazad Murad, the pastor of Peshawar Presbyterian Church, while expressing his gratitude to the head of Iran Culture House in Peshawar and expressing his satisfaction with the broadcast of the clip about the freedom of different religions in the Islamic Republic of Iran, said: The coexistence of different ethnic, racial and religious communities is one of the most important issues of today’s human societies, and by watching this clip, the participants got to know the freedom of all religions and religions in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and we should set the freedom and security of this Islamic country as our model.

The pastor of the Peshawar Presbyterian Church said: The fanatical belief in religion and the rejection of other religions is based on ignorance, which is the root of all enmities, differences and terrorism resulting from this deviant thinking.

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