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Friday, September 20, 2024

Will Netanyahu face the same fate as Trump in the Israeli election?

The departure of Benjamin Netanyahu’s most important ally from the White House on the eve of the crucial parliamentary elections in Israel was a severe blow to Benjamin Netanyahu. Meanwhile, his political destiny has been jeopardized by intense partisan divisions as well as allegations of corruption.

The fall of the Israeli coalition government due to disagreements over the budget and the dissolution of parliament has caused the upcoming elections in March, according to some analysts, to be “last” due to internal divisions in Likud and hearings before the prime minister on corruption charges.

The outcome of the March 23 election is also crucial for Benjamin Netanyahu, who, if he fails to form his country’s next government, could face jail time on charges of corruption and conviction in court; An issue that could mark the end of his political career.

Although the results of some polls indicate the victory of the Likud party in the upcoming parliamentary elections in Israel, the success of the formation of the government is still a matter of debate and speculation in this country.

In order to regain power in Israel, Netanyahu now faces new rivals from his political base within right-wing parties, in addition to the traditional squabbles between the right and the center-left.

Trump is not in the White House to support Benjamin Netanyahu

Next March’s election will be held at a time when Netanyahu is no longer likely to have the same support as Trump from the White House; An issue that, given internal disputes, could be seen as another negative advantage for him in the campaign and reduce his chances of staying in power.

By moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which was a way of legitimizing the city for Israel, Donald Trump showed how close he is to the policies of the Israeli right-wing government led by Netanyahu.

He also sided with Netanyahu, legitimizing settlement building in the West Bank and recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights in Syria.

On the other hand, Donald Trump’s role in paving the way for the Arab countries’ rapprochement with Israel, especially the normalization of its relations with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco, should not be overlooked.

Now, with Joe Biden entering the White House, a different situation will prevail in the world and the Middle East than before, a situation that, although it will not fundamentally disrupt the existing order, will not establish it in Benjamin Netanyahu’s favor as it did under Trump.

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