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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Where does the domino of Israeli protests end?

Pak Sahafat – Every day, the number of protesters against the extreme approach of Netanyahu’s cabinet in the occupied territories is increasing, until recently, with the attendance of 250,000 people, the record of street protests was broken. As this trend continues, the dual scenarios of “cabinet collapse” or “civil war” seem more likely than ever.

In recent days, the voice of the political crisis in the occupied territories and the breaking of the bones of Netanyahu’s radical cabinet can be heard more and more, and this fact can be seen from the flood of protesting crowd in the streets of Tel Aviv and other cities of occupied Palestine.

For example, on the ninth consecutive Saturday, only in Tel Aviv, about 200,000 people participated in this demonstration. According to reports, at least 250,000 people demonstrated against Netanyahu throughout the occupied territories.

A close look at the process of the protests depicts a dark and dangerous future for the regime when the population of a few hundred people gradually turns into a few thousand people and then a few hundred thousand people. Even Netanyahu’s family is gradually receiving attention and attacks from the opposition, and the attack on Sarah Netanyahu, the wife of the regime’s prime minister, in a women’s hair salon in Tel Aviv is one of them and a prelude to more threats.

Read more:

The record of protests against Netanyahu was changed/ 250 thousand protesters on the street

Also, the protests in front of the house of “Yario Levin”, the Minister of Justice of the Cabinet, can gradually enter the violent phase, and this possibility is not far from the mind; A person whose policies, if implemented, would severely reduce the power of Israel’s Supreme Court, allow the cabinet to take over the judicial selection committee, and also greatly reduce the power of the cabinet’s legal advisors.

On the other hand, reviewing the judicial system for reasons such as Netanyahu’s corruption case and bribes will also be in line with the Prime Minister’s goals, which has not escaped the attention of the protesters. Protesters believe that Netanyahu’s cabinet seeks to declare his corruption and bribery case closed last year with these reforms.

Therefore, what Netanyahu’s cabinet refers to as “judicial military reform” has a clear and obvious result, and it will be that the powers of the judicial system of this regime will decrease and, on the contrary, the power and position of the executive and legislative branches in this regime. In this plan, by weakening the judicial system of the Zionist regime, the cabinet and political parties of this regime will have the possibility to control the selection committee of judges in the courts of the Zionist regime by appointing party members and politicians and prevent judges from being members of this committee.

But in the meantime, Netanyahu’s extremist cabinet is under pressure from two groups; One group is the internal opposition and members of the previous cabinet, and the second group is the regime’s long-time allies, especially America.

In the foreign dimension and the gap between Netanyahu’s cabinet and long-time allies, its obvious manifestation goes back to the recent verbal tensions between the US State Department and the radical finance minister of Netanyahu’s cabinet.

Smotrich’s sarcastic statements regarding the bombing and complete obliteration of the Palestinian settlement “Hawara” in the West Bank angered the White House officials in such a way that “Tom Needs”, the US ambassador to occupied Palestine, called Netanyahu’s finance minister “idiot” and threatened. He is going to travel to Washington soon, but if it were up to me, I would take him off the plane.”

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