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What was Seyed Hassan Nasrallah’s warning message to the United States and Israel?

The revelation of the number of Hezbollah fighters by Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah had four main reasons, which are mostly seen as a warning message to the United States and the Zionist regime.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency International Group, Hezbollah’s secretary general, Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, in his recent speech, which devoted a large portion of it to the sedition launched by the Lebanese Forces Party and its leader, Samir Geagea, last week in Beirut’s al-Tayouna district, did not directly named Samir Geagea; This issue was covered by the Zionist media and analysts.

In rhetoric and from a political and social point of view, not mentioning the name of the enemy indicates its humiliation. In addition, Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, while refusing to mention the name of Samir Geagea, spoke about the number of Hezbollah fighters and said one hundred thousand heavy weapons fighters are the mainstay of Hezbollah’s military forces. This was the first time that the Hezbollah Secretary General spoke about the number of his troops.

To clarify the importance of the number of Hezbollah forces that Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah mentioned in his speech, it is enough to look at the report of the Israeli newspaper Haaretz in 2016. The Zionist newspaper reported at the time that it was estimated that the number of Hezbollah forces had increased from 20,000 in 2006 to 45,000.

In addition, 21,000 members of Hezbollah’s forces are serving regularly, and the rest are in the reserve forces, the report said.

Al-Mayadin wrote in an article in this context, disclosure of the number of resistance forces in Lebanon or part of these forces has repercussions and dimensions that go beyond the Lebanese interior and Lebanese parties. Also, the issue of the number of resistance forces is very important and Seyed Hassan Nasrallah in his speech 3 months ago Emphasized: The number of these forces is more important to us than the equipment.

Apparently, the announcement of the number of Hezbollah forces, which was unprecedented in its kind, was made in response to the efforts of some parties to drag Lebanon into a civil war; But it was actually a warning message to foreign seditionists in Lebanon, in addition, not mentioning the name Samir Geagea by  Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah showed that the main emphasis of the Hezbollah Secretary General was on his commitment to the blood of the martyrs of the sedition of Al-Tayouneh, and that Samir Geagea was nothing more than a tool in the service of foreign projects aimed at sedition in Lebanon and Hezbollah.

There is no doubt that the announcement of the number of Hezbollah forces or the expression of a part of these forces is a documented event for the future that is of great importance in the process of the strategic project centered on the resistance against the American and Israeli projects.

In the meantime, the question that arises is; why did Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah disclose this information in the context of an internal conflict in the face of a low-ranking figure that can in no way be compared to a comprehensive confrontation at the regional level?

  1. The first reason is that the revelation of the Hezbollah Secretary General indicates the seriousness of the recent seditions in Lebanon, which Hezbollah considers a central danger.
  2. The second reason is that Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah sees the recent unrest in Lebanon as an American attempt to blow up the situation in Lebanon and create a confrontation between the Lebanese army and Hezbollah.
  3. Regarding the third reason, we must say that other Lebanese parties may have been thinking of creating sedition and unrest, and when the necessary conditions are provided for them, they will try to kill themselves in the service of their country’s foreign projects. It also arouses the feelings of some of the supporters of these sides and those who have gone astray, so the warning message of Sayyid Nasrullah in the form of revealing the number of his warriors sounds the alarm for all these sides.

In fact, Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah’s recent revelation about the number of resistance fighters in Lebanon is a deterrent message to Lebanese internal parties that they have no plans to wage a civil war aimed at engaging Hezbollah in Lebanon’s internal affairs in the interests of Israel.

Accordingly, with the number of fighters that Hezbollah has at its disposal, it can theoretically and militarily win any battle anywhere in Lebanon and against any party, large or small; in other words, this battle is more difficult than Hezbollah’s battles against terrorists.

Of course, Hezbollah certainly does not want or seek war in Lebanon and has always sought to defend Lebanese peace and stability, even if the enemies want to enter such a war; The consequences of any adventure inside Lebanon will be borne by them and they will suffer a lot of damage. This could also lead to the political life of the Lebanese internal parties, which, in cooperation with the enemy, kill their country in sedition.

The fourth is that this message of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah was not only addressed to the Lebanese Forces Party, but also to the American and Israeli sides; This means that if the US-Zionist axis is planning to prepare for an attack and aggression against Lebanon, this message of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah shows that Hezbollah is able to fight on several fronts simultaneously; Without addressing Lebanon’s internal affairs without affecting the strategy of resistance against Israel.

Read more: How does Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah’s equation for Quds end the existence of Israel?: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=10177

Tel Aviv and Washington may think that the internal situation in Lebanon is now preparing for a civil war and then a full-scale foreign aggression against the country; this is at a time when Hezbollah is being psychologically and militarily weakened and is considered in the media as an illegal and isolated group inside Lebanon. But the Hezbollah secretary-general’s message was a warning to the United States and Israel that the resistance had a well-planned plan to defend the country in all circumstances.

The issue of the resistance forces in Lebanon is an issue that Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah mentioned last August; However, the exact number of these forces was not mentioned, however, in his recent speech, the Secretary General of Hezbollah did not talk about all the resistance forces and their number, and the mentioned number did not include non-Lebanese fighters, so the number of resistance forces is much higher.

The recent revelation of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah was a deterrent message that was sent more to foreign enemies than to domestic enemies; Especially the United States and the Zionist regime. Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah’s discourse and character show that his revelation about the number of resistance forces was not an emotional decision but rather a deliberate intention in the form of a warning message.

With this warning, perhaps the Americans should carefully consider their options in Lebanon, and they are the best party that can decipher this message. Israel and its think tanks are also realizing that they need to update their knowledge of Hezbollah and its capabilities; As Foreign Affairs magazine reported: Hezbollah’s (capabilities) far outweigh what the world knows about the party.

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