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What did the political officials of the countries in the region say at the Baghdad summit?

Officials and figures present at the “Support for Iraq” regional summit stressed security, stability and non-interference in Iraq’s internal affairs.

Various officials from important countries in the region and internationally attended the regional meeting in support of Iraq and delivered speeches.

Al-Kadhimi: We do not accept that Iraq will become a place to attack neighboring countries

Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi said at a meeting in Baghdad:

Iraq faces challenges in various fields.

The holding of the Baghdad conference reflects Iraq’s view on the need to establish better relations with the world.

We are committed to the nation to return Iraq to its leading role.

We oppose the use of Iraqi territory for regional and international conflicts.

We felt the international seriousness of supporting investment in Iraq.

Ayatollah Sistani’s meeting with Pope Francis was a turning point in the field of tolerance and brotherhood.

We called on the international community to support the upcoming Iraqi elections.

Macron: The European Union will send a delegation to monitor the Iraqi elections

French President Emmanuel Macron said at a regional meeting in Baghdad:

Iraq has suffered from many wars and crises, and we stand by this country to fight terrorism.

Delegations from the European Union and the United Nations will monitor Iraq’s early parliamentary elections.

Emir of Qatar: Iraq is ready to play an active role in establishing security and peace in the region

The Emir of Qatar said at the Baghdad regional meeting:

We commend the efforts made to bring security and stability to Iraq.

We believe that Iraq is ready to play an active role in establishing security and peace in the region.

King Jordan: Iraq plays a key role in strengthening regional and international dialogue

King Abdullah of Jordan also said at a regional meeting in Baghdad:

Iraq plays a pivotal role in building the bridge and strengthening regional and international dialogue.

We support the Iraqi government in its efforts to fight extremism and terrorism and to build this country.

Al-Sisi: We oppose any foreign interference in the affairs of Iraq

The keynote address of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi at the Baghdad regional meeting said:

We appreciate the achievements of Iraq in the past.

We are with Iraq until it maintains security and stability in this country.

We support the Iraqi government in achieving stability, maintaining territorial integrity, and reviving its regional role.

Bin Farhan: We are committed to supporting the security, stability and development of Iraq

The Saudi foreign minister said at a regional meeting in Baghdad:

What we are witnessing in the region requires raising the level of coordination.

We emphasize supporting Iraq and trying to maintain security and stability in this country.

We will continue to work with Iraq and the countries of the region to fight extremism and terrorism.

Kuwaiti Prime Minister: We do not want to interfere in the internal affairs of Iraq

The Prime Minister of Kuwait also said at the Baghdad regional meeting:

In the shadow of the upcoming elections, Iraq is facing a crucial stage in its history.

We want non-interference in the internal affairs of Iraq and we are looking forward to the implementation of the agreements reached between the two countries.

Amir Abdullahian: Sustainable security in the region is possible with the participation of the countries of the region

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, said at a regional meeting in support of Iraq:

What we need more than ever today is “sustainable regional security” with the participation of the countries of the region, the realization of which depends on the use of economic resources to realize the coalition for peace and development.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, while supporting the stability, security, independence, territorial integrity, dignity, authority and promotion of Iraq’s regional and international status, declares its readiness to develop bilateral and regional cooperation.

Abu al-Ghaiz: We do not want Iraq to become a battleground

Ahmed Abul Gheit, Secretary General of the Arab League, also said at the meeting:

Iraq has entered a tough war against black terrorism.

It is our duty to support Iraq, and regional tensions are hitting it.

The Baghdad meeting is an important step, and Iraq is working to establish good relations with the countries of the region.

Yusuf al-Uthaymeen: The stability of Iraq and its security is in the interest of all

The Secretary General of Islamic Cooperation said at the Baghdad regional meeting:

I am very happy to attend this conference in Baghdad.

We support the unity of Iraq and the health of its lands.

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