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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Western “freedom of expression” components

Pak Sahafat – Insulting the Qur’an and Islam with about 1.8 billion followers is considered freedom of expression from the West’s point of view, and the smallest voice of protest against the crimes of the Zionist regime and the issue of the Holocaust is suffocated. It doesn’t matter if the voice of “Roger Waters” is a famous English singer or “Ilhan Omar” is a representative of the American Congress.

Criticism of the genocide and the crimes of the Zionist regime in the West, with any symbol and tool, is faced with the most severe restrictions and punishments from the European and American authorities; Countries that have put on the appearance of full support for democracy and freedom of expression.

A few days ago, the concert of “Roger Waters”, the former singer of the “Pink Floyd” group, was canceled in Frankfurt, Germany, due to his open criticism of the Zionist regime’s genocide in occupied Palestine. The cancellation of Waters’ concert is due to Waters’ boycott of the occupying Jerusalem regime, comparison of this regime to apartheid South Africa, and the inclusion of a balloon in the shape of a pig, which is associated with the regime’s symbol.

This is not the first hostile encounter of Berlin leaders with a person who opposes Zionist policies, and it will not be the last. A few years ago, a court in Germany sentenced Catholic bishop Richard Williamson to pay a fine of 12,000 euros for questioning the number of Jews killed in World War II.

Unquestioning support for the genocide of the Zionist regime is not limited to the borders of Europe, last month we saw the expulsion of Democratic Congressman Ilhan Omar from the Foreign Relations Committee of the US House of Representatives. America, as a country that claims to support freedom of speech more than other actors in the world, once again lifted the curtain on the false slogan of American freedom of speech.

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Insulting Charlie Hebdo and the cock’s tail of freedom of expression in the West

The crime of this black and Muslim congressman was criticizing the crimes of the Zionist regime; An issue that showed that even American legislators do not have the patience to criticize this regime and their embrace for freedom of expression is only open to criticizing Islam and Muslims, which is an example of the advancement of the anti-Islamic project in the Netherlands, Sweden and France.

“Edwin Wagensold”, the Dutch leader of the far-right group “Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West”, desecrated a copy of the Holy Quran, the holy book of Islam, in the Netherlands, and in a video file he published on social networks, he asked the mayor of the Hague to the insult of the Quran.

Tearing and burning a copy of the Holy Quran in the Netherlands happened only 2 days after the incident of burning this holy book of Islam in Sweden. He burned a copy of the Quran in front of the Turkish Embassy in the Swedish capital. He had received permission from the Swedish authorities for this work.

But the most obvious symbol of the double standard of Western freedom of expression is the French magazine “Charlie Hebdo”; Fakahi and Mohan magazine, which is supported by Elyse authorities, disrespects the beliefs of nearly 1.8 billion Muslims in the world, but is silent about the crimes of the Zionist regime.

Since 2015, Charlie Hebdo’s insult to the holy place of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH), the Holy Quran and the religion of Islam has always been carried out under the banner of freedom of speech and supported by political authorities. This position indicates that valuable concepts such as freedom of speech and human rights are only a means to advance the wrong approaches of Western governments, and in practice, as long as their values ​​are not attacked, they use this tactic against other religions, nations and countries.

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