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Friday, September 20, 2024

United States’ double standard policy on freedom of expression

In a hostile move, the United States has blocked the websites of Iranian-affiliated and resistance media outlets, led by Al-Alam News Network, which explicitly acknowledges the role of news channels and websites committed to moral values, human principles, and prioritizing Islamic world affairs.

Simultaneously with the Al-Alam website, the websites of Press TV, Al-Ma’loumeh, Kataeb Hezbollah, Al-Masira, Al-Lulu, Al-Palestine Al-Yawm, Naba, Al-Kawthar, Asia, Karbala “And Hudhud” – a children’s television network – are also out of reach.

If a country like the United States, along with the West and global Zionism, which have overshadowed much of the world’s media space, as well as the reactionary Arab regimes, especially the sheikhdoms, which are subject to US policies and control more than 80 percent of the Middle East media space, dared to respond word for word, image for image, and analysis for analysis, never doing such a scandalous act.

The blocking of Al-Alam TV’s website is a clear protest by the United States against the role of Al-Alam TV and its website and leader in the struggle of the Muslim Ummah against occupation, aggression, plunder dependence, tyranny, terrorism and alienation. Of course, this is not the first time that the broadcasting of Al-Alam TV, which has a wide popular position in most countries of the world due to its defense of the oppressed and downtrodden, has been stopped; because before, most of the pages belonging to Al-Alam, for example, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram were blocked.

The common denominator of all US-blocked news websites is their view of the Islamic world, especially the Palestinian issue, the US military presence in the region, the US occupation of Iraq, and the Saudi coalition’s invasion of Yemen; A view that exposes not only the evil intentions of the United States in the region but also its mercenaries – regimes, parties and the media.

The United States has been pushing media websites affiliated with the Axis of Resistance, with news outlets such as Saudi Arabia’s Al-Arabiya and Al-Hadath, the UAE’s Sky News, the US-based Al-Hurra and dozens of other TV stations and thousands of other news websites. The reason for their defense is to support Washington’s regional policies; Policies that are in complete conflict with the interests of the nations of the region. These media, backed by the United States, the Islamic civilizations and heritage of the Muslim Ummah, promote aggression and normalization with the Zionist regime, and in return, consider any resistance to the occupier as terrorism, and moral corruption, homosexuality, pornography, debauchery, corruption, consumption of alcohol and various celebrations are defined in the context of freedoms and democracy.

As the media promoted moral degeneration, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken called for the raising of gay flags at the State Department and US embassy and consulate buildings around the world, it is natural that the website of Al-Hudahad Children and Adolescents TV, which broadcasts programs for the Islamic education of children to rise up against oppression and help the oppressed, be blocked.

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