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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Turkey-UAE cooperation begins after a decade of tension

According to the Al-Quds Al-Arabi website, contrary to many media reports, the closeness between Turkey and the UAE, this was demonstrated during the recent visit, not surprisingly, he had previously predicted a series of comments, positions and signs, the improvement of relations between Abu Dhabi and Ankara, and the meeting of high-ranking officials of the two sides.

According to the report, various political and economic factors helped Turkey and the UAE to find ways to develop relations, and there is now a broad horizon for economic cooperation between the two countries. And it is predicted that tensions will be minimized politically as well, but it will take longer for the damaged trust between the two countries to be repaired over the years.

Changing international and regional conditions

Al-Quds Al-Arabi further wrote that Political and economic changes in recent years in the world are one of the most obvious factors that led the two countries to re-evaluate relations. Joe Biden’s rise to power in the United States is one of the most important variables that has led Turkey and the UAE to diversify their allies.

In the economic sector, the outbreak of coronavirus has become a prominent variable in the region and the world to establish new partnerships, and Turkey and the UAE are no exception.

But in Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been seeking to reduce hostility and differences with other countries for a year and return to the “zero-tension” policy established by the AKP 20 years ago, and this policy is now fundamentally improving relations.

While the case of Egypt is one of the main reasons for the dispute between Turkey and Egypt, the recent steps taken to improve relations between Ankara and Cairo play a significant role in the proximity of Turkey and the UAE. As for the relationship with Saudi Arabia, however, steps are being taken slowly, although efforts are being made. As Dughan welcomed the UAE National Security Adviser, the Saudi Deputy Foreign Minister also welcomed the Turkish Ambassador to Riyadh.

Basic steps

The process of improving relations between Turkey and the UAE has been gradually and openly and secretly taken. During Ramadan, the two countries’ foreign ministers spoke by telephone for the first time in five years and congratulated each other on the arrival of Ramadan. Officials from the two countries then made positive comments, with UAE Foreign Minister Anwar Gargash, for example, saying that Turkey was the UAE’s first trading partner in West Asia. In other words, he said that Abu Dhabi wants to improve relations with Turkey. Afterwards, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt ÇavuÅŸo Ulu said he had received positive messages from the UAE and hoped for tangible and public results.

Under these circumstances, the UAE took steps to reduce some of the restrictions and obstacles faced by Turkish businessmen and investors and facilitate their travel to the UAE. In return, Ankara sent a new ambassador to Abu Dhabi and reduced the intensity of media attacks on the UAE.

The dispute between Turkey and the UAE has escalated into a bitter feud over the years, becoming deeper and more complex than the dispute between Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

But the root of these differences was related to the regional rivalry and the opposing positions of the two countries in the centers of conflict and crisis, including Qatar, Egypt and Libya, which as the tension in these countries decreased, the intensity of the dispute between Abu Dhabi and Ankara was reduced. However, it must be said that even if there is a real will on both sides to put aside their differences and open a new page in their relations, even the most complex cases can be resolved.

Reconciliation of the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf with Qatar also played a significant role in calming the tense relations between Turkey and the UAE.

At the same time, the UAE’s relations with the Zionist regime seem to have contributed to the improvement of relations between the UAE and Turkey. Relations between Turkey and Tel Aviv have also improved. The UAE, which has made no effort to legitimize its compromise with the Israeli regime, sees Turkey as a safe haven for the Brotherhood and a supporter of political Islam.

On the other hand, some believe that the UAE is trying to send a strong message to the Saudis by diversifying its circle of allies, due to its differences with Saudi Arabia, which are no longer hidden from anyone.

UAE Investments

According to a statement from the Turkish Presidency, during the meeting between Erdogan and the UAE National Security Adviser, the issue of regional developments and “UAE investment in Turkey” were discussed.

The President of the Republic of Turkey also said in an interview that the UAE will soon make large investments in Turkey, and also met with the UAE National Security Advisor, the head of the Turkish Treasury Fund and the head of the Turkish Investment Bureau.

According to Erdogan, the Emirati people have serious goals and plans to invest in Turkey.

Asked if the UAE was serious about resolving tensions with Turkey, the Turkish president said that such changes in relations between the two countries were normal and that Turkey and the UAE also shared common positions in some cases.

Erdogan added: “Turkey, especially the Security Council, has had meetings with Abu Dhabi officials in recent months and has reached clear conclusions. We will meet with Muhammad bin Zayed in the coming stages, and after today’s meeting, I believe that this meeting will take place, God willing, and I hope that some of the problems in the region will be resolved during these meetings.

Anwar Gargash also wrote on his Twitter page that economic cooperation and partnership was the focus of Erdogan’s meeting with the UAE National Security Adviser. He described the meeting as historic and positive, and said that Abu Dhabi is serious in establishing relations with the countries.

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