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Friday, September 20, 2024

Turkey in the trap of compromise, Why did Erdogan violate everything he said?

Erdogan has said he wants to improve relations with the Zionist regime, which contradicts all his former fiery rhetoric in support of Palestine. What will be the consequences of such a desire for Turkey and the currents of political Islam in the region?

Recep Tayyip Erdogan” after the Friday prayers in front of reporters this week, made a strange statement that was different from his previous views and said that: Turkey wants to establish better relations with the Zionist regime and announced Ankara-Tel Aviv talks on security and intelligence.

According to Rai Al-Youm, the media and newspapers of the Occupied Territories have also written that Ankara and Tel Aviv are on the verge of returning their ambassadors, Ambassadors who returned to their capitals in 2018 following the Zionist invasion of Gaza.

The e-newspaper described Erdogan’s remarks as a major blow to political Islam movements in the West Asian region, particularly the Akhwan ul Muslimeen, which sees Erdogan as its leader and sees him as a major obstacle to compromise plans in the Arab world. Erdogan’s tough stance against Arab states compromising with the Zionist regime, such as the UAE, Bahrain, and Sudan, and threatening to recall the ambassador from Abu Dhabi, reinforced the Brotherhood’s perception of the Turkish president.

The volume of relations between Turkey and the Zionist regime

Relations between Turkey and the Israeli regime are more deep-rooted than any other country in West Asia, dating back to 1949, when the Turkish government recognized the formation of the Zionist regime and the exchange of diplomatic missions. Despite strained relations between the two sides in 2010 after Israeli commandos attacked the Marmara aid ship carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza, security relations and intelligence coordination between them did not deteriorate.

The Zionist regime has also been a source of arms sales to Turkey for years. The peak of arms deals between the two sides dates back to 1974, when Turkey invaded northern Cyprus, When European countries and the United States imposed an arms embargo on Turkey.

The reasons why Erdogan violated his words?

Al-Youm then voted that there were several reasons why Erdogan wanted to establish better relations with the Zionist regime.

The first reason can be related to the mediation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the person of “Ilham Aliyev”. The deep strategic partnership between Turkey and the Republic of Azerbaijan became more and more apparent during the Nagorno-Karabakh war, to the point that Turkey sent troops and “insignificant” drones to the Republic of Azerbaijan. At the same time, there are very strong relations between Ilham Aliyev and the Zionist regime, and the weapons made by this regime came to Baku’s aid during the recent war.

Regarding the second reason, it should be said that Erdogan has faced US and EU sanctions. The United States has imposed sanctions on Turkey over its purchase of the S-400 missile defense system from Russia, and the European Union has cited Turkey’s actions in the eastern Mediterranean and its support for Greece and Cyprus as an excuse to sanction Ankara.

According to Al-Youm, the third reason for Turkey’s desire to improve relations with Tel Aviv is Joe Biden.

The fourth reason could be that Erdogan has decided to join this path due to the compromise of some Arab countries with the Zionist regime, and along with the improvement of his relations with this regime, the tension between himself and other Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Destroy.

The reaction of the Akhwan ul Muslimeen and Hamas

It should be noted that the Hamas Islamic Resistance Movement has so far not reacted to Erdogan’s words. Does this mean that Hamas was already aware of this Turkish move? an epic that has so far reacted strongly to other countries’ compromise agreements.

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