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The Yemeni war has worn out Riyadh / The challenge of Saudi interceptor missile stockpiles

The drone and missile strikes of the Yemeni army and popular committees have severely depleted Riyadh, and the biggest crisis that Bin Salman is struggling with these days is the lack of interceptor missile stockpiles.

According to Pak Sahafat news agency, it is no secret that Saudi Arabia is in a difficult situation in Yemen.

The war in Yemen has severely exhausted Saudi Arabia, and it has been embroiled in a war that has not yielded results for more than a few years. Precision missiles fired by the Yemeni army and popular committees have reached the depths of Saudi Arabia.

Due to the increase in Yemeni Ansarullah attacks on key targets in Riyadh with ballistic missiles and UAVs in the past two years in response to the country’s crimes against Yemen, the stockpiles of Saudi “Patriot” missiles are on the verge of depletion.

The biggest crisis that Saudi Arabia is suffering from these days is the crisis of shortage of interceptor missiles due to the escalation of drone and missile attacks by the Yemeni army and popular committees. The biggest crisis that Saudi Arabia is suffering these days is the crisis of shortage of interceptor missiles due to escalation. Drone and missile attacks are the Yemeni army and popular committees.

The British Financial Times reported that Saudi Patriot missiles are running out of ground to counter Yemen’s Ansarullah missiles, and that some Gulf states, such as Qatar and the UAE, are supporting the country as much as possible because it may run out of stock within three months.

The US government authorized the sale of 280 missiles to Saudi Arabia worth $ 650 million, which was approved by Congress, but the delivery of these missiles may take months or maybe years, which is why Saudi Arabia is resorting to the Persian Gulf countries to what they have immediately.

A Patriot missile costs more than $ 1 million, while Yemeni missiles cost less than $ 10,000, and the same goes for drones, which is one of the most prominent paradoxes of the Yemeni war.

In recent weeks, the Saudi Air Force has intensified its attacks on Ansarullah forces to prevent them from advancing and take control of the strategic city of Ma’rib. Ansarullah may target key Saudi facilities, including Aramco and airports, in response to Saudi crimes against Yemen, which could be another major disaster for Saudi Arabia.

Read more: 3 martyred and 17 wounded in the attack of the Saudi coalition fighters on Al-Hudaidah in Yemen: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=18907

The war waged by the Saudi-Emirati-American coalition against Yemen on March 26, 2015 has not yet achieved its goals. In addition to the news of the Yemeni war and the casualties suffered, especially by the Saudis, on the border fronts, the news of Saudi Arabia’s borrowing from world banks caught the attention of observers.

Much of Saudi Arabia’s financial reserves have been spent on extortionate US arms deals, and most of its infrastructure projects have stalled, run into severe budget deficits and resorted to borrowing.

In fact, one of the most important reasons for the Saudi economic crisis is the war against Yemen and its staggering costs. Most of the cost of the Yemeni war is borne by Saudi Arabia, especially since some of the countries that joined the Saudi-led coalition paid with money and Riyadh paid for it, which added to Saudi Arabia’s economic problems.

It is now almost seven years since the war, during which time the Yemeni army and popular committees led by Ansarullah have been able to gradually end the war in their favor by relying on God and perseverance and relying on their technical knowledge.

It is certain that after a few years of the war that Riyadh has waged against Yemen, the coalition forces led by Riyadh are incapable of deciding the fate of the war militarily. Despite American intelligence and logistical support for Saudi forces, the Saudi coalition has gone nowhere and is targeting only civilians.

On the other hand, the attacks of the Yemeni army and popular committees on various parts of Saudi Arabia with drones or ballistic missiles have not stopped. Arms purchases from the West, especially the United States, have so far failed to work for the Saudis, who have become increasingly vulnerable to attacks by the Yemeni army and popular committees. It is better for the Saudis to think about the end of the Yemeni war, instead of pouring money into the pockets of the Americans and the arms purchases and the insane airstrikes that lead to the death of many more Yemeni civilians. The crime of attacking Saada prison showed the height of savagery and cruelty of the Saudi coalition. Thousands of Yemenis have long lost their lives due to the siege, and Britain and the United States are the main cause of the continuing siege and war in Yemen. The international community does not see the crimes of the Saudi coalition. The attacks of Saudi Arabia and its allies on Yemen serve only the armed and military interests of the United States and the West. The Arabs must take steps to stop this oppressive war. The silence of the Arab regimes in the face of these crimes will have negative consequences.

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