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Friday, September 20, 2024

The Washington Post investigated “Domestic extremism” in the United States, a tool for “police government”

According to US counter terrorism officials, the FBI currently has 2,700 ongoing investigations into domestic extremism in the United States, more than double the usual number.

The figures underscore the Biden government’s accelerated pursuit of what it calls “violent domestic extremism.”

The escalation of violent domestic extremism proposed by the Biden administration is shocking and shows that the number of racially motivated conspiracies and killings attributed to white supremacists has increased. So far, the Biden government has refused to provide exact figures.

According to the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), from 2017 to 2019, the Department conducted an average of 1,000 investigations into domestic conspiracies and terrorist incidents per year, including approximately 846 arrests of suspected domestic terrorists by FBI and other agencies.

According to the report, the agencies attributed 57 deaths from 2017 to 2019 to domestic terrorist acts, of which 47 were racially motivated, mostly by white supremacists.

Timothy Langan, assistant director of the FBI’s counter terrorism unit said in his recent testimony in Congress: Needless to say, the threat of domestic terrorism has intensified and increased significantly in the last 18 months.

Read more: Chilean analyst: Iran slapped the United States hard: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=14619

In the wake of the Jan. 6 riots at the US Capitol, the Biden administration redoubled its efforts to counter the threat of “violent extremists with racial or ethnic motives” whom the Department of Homeland Security describes as a “national threat priority.”

However, there are growing concerns that the persecution of domestic extremists in the United States has become a political issue, and that the trampling of civil liberties in the United States, once impossible to “imagine,” is now becoming a “reality.”

Concerns about the formation of a “police state” arose last month when Attorney General Merrick Garland instructed federal law enforcement officials to review “countering threats” strategies to board and local school principals. “Establish dedicated lines of communication to report evaluate and respond to these threats.”

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