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Saturday, September 21, 2024

The story of the Afghan people about the failures and defeats of the occupiers

At the same time as the humiliating and degrading departure of foreign troops from Afghanistan, Reuters reported on the strong criticism of Afghan citizens of the achievements of foreign forces, including US forces in Afghanistan, and the broken legacy of the occupiers over the past decade.

Reuters wrote: Violence has raged across Afghanistan since US President Joe Biden announced the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan by 9/11.

Meanwhile, with the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan, many experts and analysts are also concerned about the future of Afghanistan.

“Malik Mir,” a mechanic in Bagram who witnessed the presence of the former Soviet army and the entry and exit of Americans from Afghanistan, expressed his deep sorrow over the uselessness of foreign troops in Afghanistan, and said: Foreign troops came to Afghanistan to bomb Taliban positions and to get rid of the Taliban government, but the foreigners left Afghanistan when the Taliban became so strong that they would soon take control.

He added: What was the purpose of all the destruction, killing and misery that the foreign forces brought to us? I hope they never return to Afghanistan.

According to UN figures, more than 3,500 foreign troops have been killed in Afghanistan’s two decades of war, while more than 100,000 civilians have died in the country alone since 2009.

Sayed Naqibullah, an Afghan citizen who owns a shop in Bagram, said:  “The Americans have left a legacy of failure in Afghanistan.” The Americans failed to contain the Taliban or corruption in Afghanistan. We are glad that foreigners left Afghanistan. We are Afghan citizens and we will find our way.

“Mozhdeh”, a 22-year-old medical student who gave only one name for security reasons, expressed concern about the future security situation in Afghanistan: It is now clear that the Americans came to Afghanistan for their own purposes, not to help and cooperate with Afghanistan. I am very sad and disappointed. I had many dreams that will not come true.

The United States, which, 20 years after the military occupation of Afghanistan, waged the longest US war, killed thousands of US and NATO troops and cost the American people billions of dollars; it is leaving Afghanistan in a state of greater insecurity and instability than ever before.

 The United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) on Friday withdrew all their forces from Bagram Air Base north of the Afghan capital, Kabul, and handed them over to Afghan security and military forces, who said they would use the base to fight terrorism.

According to the decision of US President Joe Biden, the withdrawal of all US and NATO troops from Afghanistan is scheduled to be completed by September 11 this year.

The Americans have created a situation with their wrong and provocative actions in Afghanistan over the past 20 years, including the torture of prisoners, night operations, the killing of a US officer in the village of Panjwai in Kandahar, increased cultivation and production of narcotics, and dozens more.

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