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Friday, September 20, 2024

The power in Afghanistan once again in the hands of Taliban

The French media widely covered the news of the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan and criticized the 20-year US military presence in the country, describing the incident as a defeat for the so-called first world power.

Following the news of the Taliban’s victory over the past 20 years and the events of September 11, 2001, which were allegedly aimed at confronting the perpetrators of the attack on the Twin Towers of World Trade in the United States, various French media outlets raised this important question that what was the reason for that attack and spending life and money during these years?

One can add to the questions of the French media the question of why Western countries have always considered interfering in the internal affairs of other countries as their inherent right and have never been willing to accept the consequences? Despite the emphasis of paragraph (7) of Article (2) of the UN Charter on the prohibition of interference in matters that are inherently within the domestic competence of countries, the West unfortunately imposes heavy material and moral costs and damages on countries and different regions of the world, especially in the Middle East he tried to impose his ideas, but he has never been responsible for the failure of his decisions.

The easy victory of the Taliban and the distorted face of American authority

Emphasizing the 20-year presence of the United States in Afghanistan, the French newspaper Le Pen wrote: “The end of the 20-year presence in Afghanistan, the longest US-led war, comes to an end with a dramatic victory for the Taliban, which has forever tarnished the image of the world’s superpower.”

The French media criticized the US authority with reference to the collapse of Afghanistan and its army, which was funded by Washington.

Le Pen added: With the Taliban back in power, less than a month before the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks, the important question is, “Why?” Why did nearly 2,500 Americans die during this time? Why spend more than $ 2,000 billion?

US Secretary of State Anthony Bellinken also criticized the recent fall as comparing it with Saigon, the capital of Vietnam, to the People’s Liberation Army and the National Liberation Front in 1975 as a symbol of US defeat, seeking to avoid mounting criticism: “Twenty years ago, we entered Afghanistan with the aim of settling accounts with those who attacked us on 9/11, and we carried out this mission!”

Taliban return to Kabul; Announcing the failure of Western intelligence and security services

The French newspaper Le Figaro also wrote, reflecting on the news of the capture of Kabul by the Taliban: The complete overthrow of the Afghan security forces, which had been funded by the United States for hundreds of billions of dollars for the years, took all observers, even US services, by surprise. Six days ago, a US official was quoted by Reuters as skeptical that the capital would be isolated “within 30 days” and “would collapse in the next 90 days”.

Comparing the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan with the fall of Saigon, the French newspaper Le Monde described it as the first international crisis of the Biden administration and stated: Biden’s Democratic government was completely taken by surprise by the Taliban’s sudden occupation of Afghanistan.

According to the French newspaper, a senior US official said that Zalmai Khalilzad, the senior US negotiator with the Taliban in the Doha-Qatar peace talks, had asked the group not to enter Kabul until the United States had completed its evacuation.

US President Joe Biden also stated in his press release that their representatives in Doha were informed that “any action taken by them in Afghanistan that endangers US personnel or our mission there will be met with a prompt and strong response from the US military.”

White House officials are trying to divert public opinion from the scandalous defeat they have suffered in Afghanistan, according to the French newspaper Oeste France: Following the Taliban’s return to power, Joe must face an onslaught of public criticism and his people being called “dishonest”; they called him “sleepy” and “embarrassing.”

At the same time as the Taliban ordered the entry into Kabul, President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani left the country and resigned.

Abdullah Abdullah, chairman of the High Council for Reconciliation in Afghanistan, on Sunday confirmed the departure of Afghan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani and called on the defense and security forces to remain calm and work together to ensure security.

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