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Saturday, September 21, 2024

The necessity of using the fruits of the normalization of Iran-Arabia relations to form a strong regional block

Pak Sahafat – Prominent foreign and defense policy experts and experts in Pakistan, acknowledging the failure of Western policies in the region, especially the reduction of American influence in the Middle East, called for countries to exploit the fruits of Tehran-Riyadh relations and emphasized that the future belongs to Asia and this opportunity should be used to form a strong regional block.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report, the second conference “Pakistan and the Emerging Global Order” was organized by the Foreign Relations Committee of the National Assembly of Pakistan today in the Assembly Hall of Parliamentary Services (PIPS) with the presence of members of this committee, the chairman of the Defense Affairs Committee in the Senate of Pakistan, former ambassadors of Pakistan to the United States, experts in the strategic field.

“Mohsen Dawar”, the head of the Foreign Relations Commission of the Parliament of Pakistan, as the host of this program, explained the opportunities and challenges facing this country’s foreign relations, taking into account regional and international issues, including the Ukraine war, the US-China Cold War, and de-escalation in the Middle East.

Criticizing the dual view of Western countries, including the United States, in using sanctions and human rights as a tool to achieve their own interests, he stated that unfortunately, the Western world, wherever it identifies a particular benefit, uses any type of tool, especially human rights, to achieve it.

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Expressing his concern about the intensifying competitive approach between Beijing and Washington, the developments in Afghanistan and the West’s unilateral demands on Pakistan to deal with regional challenges, this member of the Pakistani parliament said that the Doha agreement did not solve the problem of Afghanistan and today we are witnessing the deterioration of the situation in this country.

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The region’s need for a strong block with the presence of Iran-Pakistan-Arabia and Turkey

In his speech at this conference, Senator Mushahid Hussain, Chairman of the Defense Affairs Committee of the Senate of Pakistan, said: Pakistan made a strategic mistake regarding Afghanistan in the 1980s and we joined the US and its Arab allies to join the jihad in Afghanistan.

He clarified about the political and financial tactics of the United States and the CIA spy service to drag Pakistan into the issue of Afghan jihad and the use of Arab elements, especially Osama bin Laden, and stated: The American attack on Afghanistan and then Iraq ended at the expense of the countries of the region, however, fortunately, today the situation has changed and a new hope has been created for regional cooperation without the intervention of the West.

Referring to the country’s clear opposition to joining the US attack on Iraq, the opposition to joining the war in Yemen, and Pakistan’s support to the US in the 1980s to create an anti-Iranian front in the region, this Pakistani senator added: Today, we are witnessing an unprecedented decline in American influence in the Middle East, and the world is witnessing a very historic development and a happy move to establish relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

He accused America and its Western allies of hypocrisy in the Ukraine war and using the issue of democracy as a tool, and stated that the West’s ambivalence towards the rights of oppressed nations or respecting the geographical sovereignty of countries is as clear as day.

Senator Mushahid Hossein added that we believe that the future belongs to Asia and we should strengthen joint cooperation with the Eastern powers. Our region is witnessing good developments that can pave the way for the formation of a strong regional block with the participation of Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

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The war in Ukraine is a threat to multilateralism

Mrs. Maleeha Lodhi, the former Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations, considered the foreign policy of the Islamabad government to be ineffective in some fronts, especially Africa and Latin America, and stated that the rivalry between China and the United States has engulfed the region and considering the Ukraine crisis, it should be based on these facts.

Criticizing the American approach to the Iran nuclear agreement, he said that this method of the United States has led to the creation of a tradition at the regional and global level, and that some countries by following this policy are not fulfilling their obligations, but are following the solution of confrontation.

This Pakistani diplomat said: The war in Ukraine is the scene of a confrontation between the United States and the Western allies with other countries that have differences. This war has severely affected the world’s livelihood and is a threat against the process of multilateralism in the international community.

Emphasizing the importance of establishing diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, he demanded Pakistan’s attention to the fruits of this agreement and the need to benefit from its consequences for stability in the region.

“Hussain Haqqani”, the former ambassador of Pakistan to America, and “Afrasiab Khatak”, a former member of the Senate of Pakistan, were also among the other speakers of the emerging world order conference, each of whom emphasized the need to formulate an independent foreign policy in accordance with national, regional and international developments.

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Haqqani considered the agreement between Tehran and Riyadh as a wise policy of the leaders of the two countries and added that this is a welcome step to restore Iran’s relations with the Arabs and end the long conflicts in the Middle East.

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