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Saturday, September 21, 2024

The insidious game of the Israeli regime in Turkey

The Zionist regime, under the guise of hundreds of large commercial companies and financial institutions, has taken insidious actions in the Turkish Cypriot part, which indicate high-level political and security goals.

According to the report of the International group of Pak Sahafat news agency, these days, the process of normalizing relations between Turkey and the Israeli regime has accelerated, and Ankara has incurred exorbitant costs for financial and commercial cooperation with the Zionists. But apparently the Israelis still adhere to the tradition of non-compliance and ingratitude!

The evidence shows that the Zionist regime has engaged in insidious actions under the cover of hundreds of large commercial companies and financial institutions in the Turkish Cypriot part, which indicate high-level political and security goals.

Most of the Turkish media, both for and against the Erdogan government, have been silent about Israel. However, the National Gazette newspaper, which is known as the media organ of the Islamist party of Saadat (the party of the disciples of the late Erbakan), has started a continuous reporting and research activity about Israel’s goals in the region and has uncovered the insidious goals of the Zionists.

What is Israel looking for in Cyprus?

For several years, Turkey’s exploration activities on the coasts of the Turkish-inhabited part of the island of Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean have attracted the attention of energy experts and security experts. But the fact is that the Israelis started working much earlier and two Zionist companies, a year before Turkey, reached an agreement for oil and gas exploration with Greece and Cyprus and started their activities.

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The Zionists soon moved forward with Cyprus and Greece and even brought groups from the Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia with them to effectively form a silent coalition against Turkey.

The accelerated process of Israel’s political, economic and security relations with Greece and Cyprus brought the work to the point where the construction of two military training airports was also entrusted to the Israelis, and they bought a significant part of the shares of the Greek defense industry and also took over the projects construction of Cyprus strengthened their foothold. But in parallel with these measures, in the Turkish Cypriot part, they have taken insidious and purposeful measures that can face Turkey with significant security and social problems in the near future.

Regarding the goals of the Zionist regime in relation to Cyprus and Greece, the following important points can be mentioned:

-The geopolitical and geostrategic position of the island of Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean and next to Turkey has attracted Israel’s attention, and this important position can provide Israel with important facilities for information and aerial and satellite observation bases in the future.

-Cyprus is a member of the European Union and attends some NATO meetings as a guest. But Greece is both a member of the European Union and a member of NATO. With this account, Israel’s friendship with these two countries brings certain political privileges and can obtain favorable conditions for restraining Turkey and in many ways, put Turkey against the done action.

-Although the Eastern Mediterranean oil and gas reserves, especially the fields discovered in the occupied territories, are not very rich, but Israel seeks to symbolically turn gas exports into a propaganda tool. In this area, in addition to the agreement with the European Union for the export of gas, the Zionist regime has also sided with Egypt in order to play a role and profit in this deal by transferring condensate from Israel.

-The goals of the Zionist regime in the Turkish-inhabited part of the island have more information-security complications and can become a powerful tool to control Turkey’s influence in the Eastern Mediterranean.

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Activities in the coverage of commercial companies

Baker Shirin’s detailed report in the National Gazette newspaper shows that the Israelis have bought a lot of land in the Turkish-inhabited part of the island of Cyprus within a short period of time. To achieve their goal, they use an insidious tactic that includes two parts:

-Identification of companies that have many offices, premises and lands, but are in financial trouble and are practically on the verge of bankruptcy.

-Buying the company and transferring land ownership to Jewish citizens.

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A Turkish citizen of the island of Cyprus told the National Gazette reporter: There is concern that if we do not stop the sale of land in Cyprus, we will be in big trouble. We are afraid that our country, which is known as the child of Turkey, will become a part of the Greater Israel project. The independence of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is in danger.

He added: Until now, they said that the Zionists should be fought. But now, the situation has changed and it is not unlikely that Cyprus will become the second Palestine. If the necessary fight against the Zionists is not started as soon as possible, I am afraid that Cyprus will also face the fate of Palestine.

Both citizenship and quality lands

The serious purchase of land by Jews in Cyprus has another terrifying dimension. In 2014 many Jews were granted Turkish Cypriot citizenship, these people, with their big money, easily buy land and are not prohibited from legal ownership. Since these people are citizens of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, they can buy any amount of land they want.

It is said that most of the lands purchased by the Zionist regime, which has occupied Cyprus quietly and step by step, are high-quality and fertile lands for agriculture. Karpaz is one of the areas where Jews buy land in Cyprus.

Recently, an article in Forbes magazine mentioned the advantages of buying land in Karpaz. Also, Lefke is one of the areas where Jews buy land, and areas such as Gazi Oren, Chingizkoi, Bagli Koi and Chamli Koi are also among the targets of the rich Jews.

When Turkey becomes the guardian of Israeli property

The Turkish army has been present in the Turkish part of the island of Cyprus for nearly fifty years. Official statistics indicate that 60,000 members of the Turkish army and police forces, along with their families, are present in northern Cyprus.

The monthly salaries of these forces and all their weapons costs are with the Turkish government. In addition, in many areas of education, health, fresh water transfer and several cost-intensive areas, Turkey actually provides funds and credits to Turkish Cypriots, spending billions of dollars annually on the island. But now the Israelis in Cyprus have become the owners of real estate worth tens of billions of dollars, and it is just as if Turkey became the guardian of the Zionist wealth for free and without charge.

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In the end, it should be said that Erdogan’s government made many efforts to normalize its relations with the Zionist regime in the last year.

One of the motivations of Erdogan’s government was to gain new gas interests in the eastern Mediterranean in the shadow of the normalization of relations with Israel. But now it is clear that the Israelis work directly with the European Union, and in this sense, no money goes into the pockets of the Turks. Second, the purchase of land in the northern part of the island of Cyprus creates new security problems for Turkey.

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