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Saturday, July 6, 2024

The future of the Taliban in the Afghan political scene

For almost a month now, Afghanistan has been the scene of military clashes between Taliban-affiliated forces and Afghan central government forces and reports from the scene of developments in this country indicate the occupation of several provinces and regions, especially in Kunduz and Faryab provinces by Taliban-affiliated forces.

The withdrawal of US and NATO-led forces from Afghanistan has intensified the Taliban’s military operations in the wake of the military vacuum in Afghanistan. In other words, with the withdrawal of foreign forces, the Taliban have gained more courage and confidence to gain the pulse of security and politics in Afghanistan. This issue, willingly or unwillingly, has led to increased movement on Iran’s borders and the possibility of sending a new wave of Afghan migrants to Iran. In this regard, in an interview with Dr. Jalal Mirzaei, a member of the 10th term of the Islamic Consultative Assembly and a university professor We have inquired about the policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Afghanistan and its impact on the interests and national security of our country.

Iran’s approach to Afghanistan

Mirzaei on what approach the Islamic Republic of Iran is pursuing in Afghanistan in the current situation and whether this approach guarantees the interests and national security of the country or not, said: The main strategy of the Islamic Republic in the political and military developments in Afghanistan is to identify all official and active political actors in Afghanistan. In this approach, the Taliban is part of the active and influential forces in the political sphere of Afghanistan from the perspective of the Islamic Republic. That is why Iran has recognized the Taliban as a reality in Afghanistan. In this regard, the recent invitation of our Foreign Ministry to the Afghan and Taliban delegations in Tehran was in line with this policy, which, by negotiating peace and stability in Afghanistan, will pave the way for understanding and creating a common understanding between the Afghan political currents.

Of course, along with our country’s active and conscious approach to the developments in Afghanistan; another attitude and approach in the country is followed by some political currents that put Iran against the Taliban and in a way widen the circle of differences and distance between the Taliban and Iran. Of course, it must be said that the opposition to the Taliban in Iran is referring to the Taliban’s political past and its violence inside Afghanistan, and therefore today they believe that with the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the possibility of escalating violence and widespread conflict in Afghanistan is high. However, the ruling establishment in the country is trying to keep an eye on the developments in Afghanistan by carefully and consciously monitoring the crisis in Afghanistan, and with an innovative and constructive approach to prepare the ground for Afghanistan’s transition from the crisis through a comprehensive dialogue mechanism.

The role of the great powers in the Afghan crisis

Examining the approach of major powers such as Russia and the United States to the Afghan crisis, the professor said: Developments in Afghanistan, at least in the last two decades, have clearly shown that the crisis and insecurity in this country has not been in the interest of any country. As the United States entered Afghanistan in 2001 under the slogan of the war on terror, today, after nearly two decades and spending a whopping $ 2 trillion, it has made no significant military or economic gains. That is why the Biden government, despite being aware of the weakness of Ashraf Ghani’s government in controlling Afghanistan’s territory, seeks a dignified exit from Afghanistan. In contrast to the approach of powers such as Russia and even China in Afghanistan is not very significant and effective. The Russians still remember the bitterness of their military presence during the Soviet era in their minds, and that is why they are more aware of the complexity of the crisis in Afghanistan than any other country, and that is why they have not taken specific action in the crisis. Therefore, it must be said that the crisis in Afghanistan is more a place of expense for foreign powers, and for this reason, we see a kind of passivity and inactivity in the approach of the great powers to the developments in Afghanistan.

The role of the Taliban in Afghanistan’s future political equations

Mirzaei on how the Taliban’s political future is on the Afghan political scene and whether the group can act as an important part of power in Afghanistan’s political equation; said: In this regard, it should be said that today there is an unwritten agreement between all world powers that if the Taliban is to be present in the cake of power in Afghanistan, this presence will not be violent and the Taliban will engage in political activity in a safe and peaceful atmosphere. Certainly the political future of the Taliban will have a direct impact on the way they act and the way they deal with the people, as well as on foreign policy. Taliban political leaders, especially those who have lived in Doha, Qatar, in recent years, seem to realize that by acting rationally and away from violence; they will have a political future, and naturally any acts of violence will equate to a decline in global prestige and legitimacy for the Afghan people. Of course, there is concern in Afghanistan that elements of al-Qaeda and ISIS with a Taliban appearance are seeking to portray the Taliban harshly and portray the group negatively inside and outside Afghanistan. Now we have to wait for the future developments in Afghanistan and the approach of the Taliban and how they will get a positive or negative name and address for themselves from the heart of these developments.

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