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Friday, September 27, 2024

The example of the propaganda / tank that overtook the car was Russian or Ukrainian?

France ‌24 website wrote in a report that Contrary to the claims of cyberspace users, the tank that overturned a car in Kiev was not Russian, but an armored vehicle of the Ukrainian army.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency International group, in the early days of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, many cyberspace users around the world released a video in which a military tank apparently overturned a car in the Obulon area of ​​Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

The video has been viewed more than 10 million times and many cyberspace users have published it as the moment when a car was overturned by a Russian tank.

France24 website wrote in a report that Contrary to these claims, the tank is not Russian, and there are many indications that a Ukrainian tank was responsible for the accident.

“Russian terrorists deliberately overturned a civilian vehicle.” Since February 25, a video showing an armored vehicle overturning a vehicle in the Obulon area has been viewed more than 10 million times.

At the same time as the shooting in the northeastern part of Kiev, many English-speaking and Persian-speaking users claimed in the video that the Russian tank deliberately overtook a civilian vehicle, but there is no evidence to support this, and on the contrary, there are numerous indications that the tank in question is Ukrainian.

                                                      Area of ​​the accident

France‌24 wrote that there are various videos on Twitter that show the incident from different angles. This video, taken from a distance, shows an armored vehicle moving backwards after being overtaken by a vehicle.

Read more: Turkey seeks to transfer 2,500 terrorists from Syria to Ukraine: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=20732

This video, taken from a closer distance, shows the same tank that suddenly deviates from its path and then hits the vehicle. In this video, we see people trying to save the person in the car.

Investigations by France24 show that the video is related to an incident that took place in this geographical location in the Obulon region of Kiev.

Image one
Is the tank Russian?

                                                      Is the tank Russian?

France24 Written As many journalists and researchers have previously written, the armored vehicle in that scene is the Stella-10: A model of anti-aircraft missile used in the Ukrainian army.

There are other indications that the armored vehicle belongs to Ukraine. For example, the Z mark is not placed next to the tank, while we know that the Russian military has used this mark to distinguish its military equipment from Ukrainian examples since the beginning of the conflict.

In addition, Robert Lee, a PhD student in the School of War Studies at King London University, says: This type of anti-aircraft missile is not designed for close combat in urban areas, but its use is to support retreating forces.

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