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Friday, September 20, 2024

Saudi million dollar bribe for appearance!

An American website has revealed the contract of the Saudi Crown Prince with an advertising company to restore his image.

In recent years, Saudi Arabia’s young Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, in line with his repressive actions, has not forgotten the huge costs in the field of advertising and public relations and has used every means to restore his image, and according to a recent report, he with an American advertising company has signed a costly contract for this purpose.

Des Moines has revealed that Mohammed bin Salman has agreed with the advertising and public relations firm LS2 Group that in exchange for a monthly payment of $ 1 million, the company will improve Saudi Arabia’s image in Western public opinion, especially in the West as good in the field of women’s rights.

In its advertising, the company consults with the Riyadh embassy in Washington, D.C., and in the field of women’s rights seeks to focus on their participation in world sports competitions as a sign of improving their situation in Saudi Arabia.

Another point is that the founder of this company is a person named “Chuck Larson” who is a member of the Republican Party and former US ambassador to Latvia under George W. Bush. He was also the executive director of highway construction in Saudi Arabia in the 1980s.

According to the Demoin website, the company’s activities will not be limited to media propaganda in favor of Saudi Arabia, and according to the agreement, its members are obliged to lobby with members of Congress to prevent laws against the Saudi government.

The lobbying comes as Congress seeks to pass a law protecting critics of the Saudi government and imposing sanctions on arms exports to Riyadh to end the Yemeni war.

According to US media, Saudi Arabia is trying to reach out to representatives of Central American states who do not pay much attention to foreign policy, and they will vote in favor of Riyadh in Congress.

“American human rights activist Brian Thirrell told the Demoin website: “It is very ugly to receive money from a criminal who kills civilians in Yemen and imprisons women who want their rights, and Americans should turn a blind eye to dubious propaganda trying to find the truth in Saudi Arabia, let them open.

The contract with LS2 Group is not the only example of Mohammad bin Salman trying to repair his lost image in the world public opinion.

The Grant Liberty Institute for Human Rights last month reported on the Saudi government’s massive spending on sports, calling it a step towards repairing the country’s tarnished human rights record.

All these efforts are to restore the image that Muhammad bin Salman has reflected in the world with his actions and policies from Saudi Arabia. The suppression of the opposition, the assassination of Jamal Khashgechi and the war in Yemen are still the image of Saudi Arabia in the world, despite all this propaganda.

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