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Friday, September 20, 2024

Saudi instrumental use of Hajj to promote normalization with the Zionist regime

Saudi Arabia, which is resorting to any means to normalize relations with the Zionist regime, this time has turned the religious season of Hajj into a political tool in order to pave the way for the establishment of relations by opening the Zionists’ feet to the two Holy Harams. An action that is carried out on the eve of Biden’s trip to the region, and probably the Saudis will achieve their long-standing wish in the coming weeks.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime, which in recent years have turned to revealing their behind-the-scenes relations, these days are closer than ever to formalizing the normalization of relations. This year, Saudi Arabia has taken a new initiative to get closer to the Zionist regime in order to implement its plans. While Zionists have a long-standing enmity with Muslims and Islamic spiritual heritage, Saudi Arabia has invited a number of Zionists for the Hajj ceremony this year as a prelude to establishing relations in the future.

At the same time as the rapid process of the Saudi government’s movements to normalize relations with the occupiers of Jerusalem, a number of Israeli journalists and analysts simultaneously published pictures and reports of their patrols in the streets of Riyadh and Jeddah during the Hajj ceremony. Have published a trip, they claimed to have felt a dramatic change in the interaction between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Israel. These people have traveled to Saudi Arabia under the pretext of the Hajj ceremony, but their goal is to get information about the religious places of this country and to get acquainted with the customs of the Wahhabis. So that they can make the right decisions for future planning in Saudi Arabia. There have even been reports that Zionist journalists have traveled to Saudi Arabia for this purpose to prepare news for Biden’s meeting with the Saudis, where the normalization of relations between Riyadh and Tel Aviv will probably be officially announced.

On the other hand, a group of 13 members of the United Jewish Call Organization also made a tourist trip to Saudi Arabia, which is the first trip of its kind for the members of this organization. The planning and hosting of this group is under the responsibility of Mohammad Al-Eisa, the head of the Islamic World Association. According to this report, due to the extensive changes in Israel-Arab relations, last week these 13 people traveled from America to Saudi Arabia to learn about Islam and teach Judaism to Saudis. This trip is the first trip for religious leaders and rabbis to this country. This Jewish-American organization was founded in New York in 1939 and raised funds for Jews until it merged with the United Jewish Association in 1999. This organization is the largest fund-raising organization in the world that supports the Jews of Israel and Zionism in the world. It is expected that with this trip, the number of Arab countries that normalized relations with Israel during the last two years as a result of the Ibrahim Agreement will increase.

The easy movement of Zionists to Saudi Arabia is a part of the project of normalizing relations that the Saudis have been trying to win the favorable opinion of Tel Aviv in the last two years.

Read more:

Israel seeks to normalize relations with Saudi Arabia before Biden’s visit to the region

Even Saudi Arabia, in order to show its devotion and affection to Tel Aviv, is seeking to suppress the opposition of the Islamic Ummah to open the feet of the Zionists to the Land of Revelation by using the slogan of not politicizing the Hajj. In this regard, the Saudi Attorney General has announced in recent days that Hajj is a religious and religious duty and any sectarian and party slogans are prohibited in it and the violators will be prosecuted and punished, and even the number of prosecution branches in the religious cities of Saudi Arabia has increased to More supervision should be done to pilgrims. The principle of this policy is against the tradition of acquittal of polytheists, who every year the pilgrims of Baitullah Al-Haram from different countries and nationalities chant the slogans of death to Israel and death to America during the Hajj ceremony. Considering that the Islamic world is against the normalization of Arab relations with Tel Aviv, the use of such a policy by the Saudis is done in order to use the cover of the non-political nature of the Hajj ceremony and prevent the Islamic world from protesting against the increase in Zionist relations and trips to the Land of Revelation.

Entrusting the Hajj ceremony to Tel Aviv

In addition to the trip of the Zionists to Saudi Arabia and familiarization with the religious places of this country in order to promote normalization among the Saudi people, the Saudis have entrusted the organization of the Hajj ceremony this year to people who have the most affinity with the Zionists. The General Directorate of Masjid Al-Haram and Masjid-ul-Nabi in Saudi Arabia announced that Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Al-Isa, a member of the Kabar Al-Ulama Board and the Secretary General of the Islamic World Union, has been chosen for the prayer on the Day of Arafah. The Zionists have expressed their happiness about this move, because Al-Eisa is one of the followers of the Saudi regime, who works in religious fields and propaganda, in harmony with the interests of the Zionist regime and normalization with it, and enters this field through a religious and ideological lens. According to media reports, the appointment of Al-Eisa to deliver the sermon on the day of Arafah during this year’s Hajj season cannot be separated from the general policy of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s normalization with the Zionist regime. Moreover, Al-Eisa plans to provide the best possible conditions for the upcoming visit of the American President Joe Biden.

All these actions of the Saudis are carried out with the aim of getting closer to the Zionist regime and establishing diplomatic relations. The Saudis are upset that the UAE and Bahrain have overtaken them in normalization with the Zionist regime, and in order not to fall behind the caravan of humiliation and devotion to this regime, this time they are determined to finalize this project.

Introduction before Biden’s trip

Given that Joe Biden will travel to Saudi Arabia and the occupied territories in the coming days, the Saudis are trying to declare their readiness to accept the strategic goal of Biden’s trip, which is to form a regional coalition of Arabs and the Zionist regime against the axis of resistance. A Zionist newspaper has revealed that Saudi Arabia is considering inviting an Israeli official during or after Joe Biden’s visit to the region.

Over the past few weeks, Saudi Arabia has publicly opened its airspace to Israeli planes, and in this short period of time, planes from Tel Aviv have landed at Riyadh airport several times. These planes transport businessmen, economic activists and security officials of the Zionist regime to Riyadh. Saudi Arabia has also allocated a budget of 2 billion dollars to invest in the occupied territories to show its goodwill to the Tel Aviv authorities for normalization. In recent months, a number of Zionist businessmen have also traveled to Saudi Arabia to invest in the construction project of Neom city. Therefore, the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Israel, which started from an economic perspective, has now become politicized with the Hajj religious ceremony. Also, in recent days, the Zionist authorities have announced their readiness to sell defense systems to Saudi Arabia in order to smooth the path of establishing relations between the two sides.

Saudi Arabia has put aside any considerations related to the Zionist regime and is publicly preparing itself for the normalization of relations with this regime, and there is only one step left to make these relations public, which will be completed during Biden’s trip.

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