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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Saudi confusion to enter the post-defeat stage in Ma’rib

Recent developments in Yemen show that Saudi Arabia, along with its other allies in the aggression coalition, is preparing for the post-defeat phase in Ma’rib with confusion.

According to Pak Sahafat news agency, the liberation of the Yemeni Golden Triangle, “Marib Wal-Jawf and Shabwa,” means the definitive victory of the Yemenis over the aggressor international coalition and the regional leadership led by Saudi Arabia and the United States. But what was the most important factor that brought the Yemeni people’s forces to this level of progress?

According to Western sociologists, Yemeni society has the lowest capacity and capacity among the Arab communities involved in the so-called Arab Spring – from Tunisia in 2011 to Sudan in 2019 and other Arab communities that have undergone similar developments before that date. Were ready for revolution; But the revolution in this country was more successful than in other Arab countries.

Yemen is made up of about 200 tribes with different branches, of which 168 are tribes in the north, which are controlled by the Reform Party affiliated with Saudi Arabia and the United States and other Western and Arab countries. The Yemeni revolutionary forces began their operations in Saada, led by Badruddin al-Houthi, in 1992, which was exposed to five wars due to internal corruption, injustice and poverty. In 2003, at the same time as the US invasion of Iraq, domestic arrogance in Yemen, which originated in the United States and Saudi Arabia, peaked. That is why the forces of the Yemeni Ansarullah movement are still chanting “Death to America and Death to Israel.”

Yemen has always witnessed internal crises and conflicts since 1990, after the unification of the northern and southern parts. The southern separatist insurgency, al-Qaeda activities and popular clashes in Saada province with the Yemeni central government are some of the tensions the country has been facing for decades.

Saudi intervention in the Yemeni conflict from 2005 to 2009 was quite obvious, and the country spent a lot of money to confront the Yemeni revolutionary forces.

Saada was not fully united at the time, and Saudi Arabia took the opportunity to create a rift between the revolutionary forces, especially the Al-Wadei tribe, and as a result of Saudi intervention, a large number of Yemeni revolutionary forces were killed in the conflict.

National Liberation Revolution

The Yemeni People’s Forces began the revolution while the country’s political leaders at the time, following Saudi Arabia and adhering to the economic colonial policy imposed on Yemen by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, led to the disintegration of the country.

Revolutionary forces in Saada and other areas, focusing on the vision of national liberation movements throughout history, launched a project of revolutionary change in Yemen with the goal of independence and freedom. These forces formed a movement consisting of civilian and military forces affiliated with various tribes and launched a general campaign to counter the common danger of the disintegration of Yemen.

Read more: US: We will not punish Saudi Arabia for its crimes in Yemen: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=15545

The Yemeni revolution is one of the historical revolutions with an integrated elements and approach that portrayed the confrontation with colonialism in the international dimension and emphasized the solidarity of the nations of the region with the just ideals symbolized by the Palestinian issue.

The will of the Yemeni revolutionary people was not broken during the years of devastating war imposed by Saudi Arabia in the form of an anti-Yemeni coalition, but this determination continues to be achieved to achieve the lofty goals and complete liberation of Yemen.

The Yemeni people are still committed to their vision of rebuilding their country, and now the US-Saudi-led Arab aggression coalition is preparing for the next phase of Ansarullah after the liberation of Ma’rib.

In fact, there is evidence that Saudi Arabia, along with its other allies, is preparing for the post-defeat phase in Ma’rib and is trying to establish a new bridge between its mercenaries in different parts of Yemen.

Dramatic developments in the border areas of Ma’rib have intensified after the sudden withdrawal of the aggressor coalition from the western regions.

The data show that the main oil reserves in Yemen are located in the region between Shabwa and Ma’rib, and the defeat of Saudi Arabia in this region means a great loss for the country, despite the increase in military forces and its significant cost in the region.

After the failure of all Saudi calculations in Yemen and the reckoning of the forces affiliated with the fugitive Yemeni President Abd al-Mansour Hadi, it seems that Riyadh is seeking to rearrange its cards in the country and rebuild its coalitions.

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