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Friday, September 20, 2024

Position of China in the new world order

The United States and the West are well aware that they are handing over the rhyme of competition to China in various fields in the new world order.

Pak Sahafat News Agency – The United States and China are increasingly engaged in serious economic and geopolitical rivalries, and this rivalry is on the way to intensification; this stems from China’s growing trend on a variety of issues.

In 2021, the United States and China clearly realized that their rivalry had reached a climax in their trade, defense, cyber, and political spheres, raising suspicions and antagonisms.

In November, US President Joe Biden spoke by telephone with Chinese President Xi Jinping to try to oust the rivalry with China over the presidency of former US President Donald Trump.

The United States, which had not benefited from its efforts to “isolate China” in various areas, is now moving towards negotiations with China.

The reason Biden’s efforts in this regard, apart from going back to China, is also due to his concern about the outcome of the mid-term 2022 congressional elections and the defeat of the Democrats against the Republicans.

The most important reasons for the US to fall short of China can be listed as follows:

From an economic point of view, China is closer to the United States than ever before in terms of economic power, and this has intensified the rivalry between the two countries.

Read more: China slams US after space station’s ‘close encounters’ with Musk’s satellites: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=17613

China’s economic growth continues as Washington’s efforts to reduce the US trade deficit with China have failed.

At the same time, three years of corona outbreaks, trade wars, and disruptions in the supply and migration of US production lines to China have led to a loss of industrial and manufacturing capabilities.

US imports from China continue to rise; this figure has continued to grow despite the trade war since 2018; China currently sells four times as much as it buys from the United States.

Given the cost advantage of China’s systematic production and Beijing’s determination to replace imports of US technology-based products, the possibility of reducing the US trade deficit with China remains unattainable.

China’s advances in missile, nuclear and artificial intelligence technology, according to international observers, could be a profound shift in the current global balance of military power.

China is a major challenge to Western military superiority; China is now ahead of the United States and has become the world’s largest navy in the new world order.

Artificial intelligence and cyber technology should be considered as one of the most important aspects of US actions against China; Because Beijing is fully committed to developing smart warfare or technology-based military methods.

Reports suggest that China may already be using artificial intelligence in military robotics and missile guidance systems, as well as drones and submarines.

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