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Friday, September 20, 2024

Nasrallah: Iran won over the American-Israeli seditious conspiracy

In a speech on the occasion of Martyr’s Day, the Secretary General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah spoke about various issues, including the elections of the Zionist regime and American conspiracies against the countries of the region.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, quoted by Al-Manar, Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, announced in a speech on the occasion of Martyr’s Day: Martyr’s Day is the day on which the Emir of Shahadayun targeted the Israeli military center in Tire and completely destroyed it, and as a result of this martyrdom operation, more than 100 Israeli soldiers and officers were killed in less than a minute.

The Secretary General of Hezbollah of Lebanon emphasized: The enemy was shocked by this operation and its dreams of bringing Lebanon into the Israeli era were dashed, and this operation became the basis of the first liberation, and after that the enemy thought of retreating.

Nasrallah continued: This great occasion, which Hezbollah named Martyr’s Day, is a day for all martyrs, and we consider every martyr in the axis of resistance from Iraq to Yemen and Syria to be our martyrs.

The Secretary General of Hezbollah of Lebanon announced: On Martyr’s Day and on the 40th spring, this path and process has not stopped. Many families have encouraged their children to go to the fronts, and when their loved ones reached the high level of martyrdom, they were patient and proud of their martyrdom. We know the importance and honor of these martyrs and we know the value of our sacrifice during their struggle and jihad until martyrdom.

He clarified: What Lebanon has achieved is thanks to the blood of the martyrs. We will be weakened when we ignore the agent of true power, and humiliated when we neglect the means of liberation and dignity. When we know this blessing, we appreciate it.

Nasrallah emphasized: We have missing relics and we will not abandon the bodies of our martyrs and our missing relics and we are seeking to clarify their fate and I am personally pursuing this issue with my colleagues. Some families were all martyred and some father and son were martyred. This is what we leave behind for generations.

He added: When we witnessed the attack on Lebanon in 1982, we had the first generation of resistance with great vision despite the limited resources. They had great insight and were the second generation of epic creators, but their situation was different due to the reduction of the challenge level. The enemy is attached to the third generation to target them, and this is happening in Arab and Islamic societies through the spread of immoral culture that America promotes. Enemies have been defeated in the battle of the third generation, and the proof of that is our path and martyrs in the past years, many martyrs were young people and they were competing to go to the fronts.

Referring to the conflict between the Palestinian youth in occupied Palestine and the Zionists, he added: This presence of the enemy’s youth in the occupied Palestine in the West Bank, Gaza and the territories of 48 surprised them. They were attached to the helplessness of the first Palestinian generation and the wandering of the second generation, but young people like Udi al-Tamimi and his comrades appeared in the field.

The Secretary General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah also said, referring to the Israeli elections: It doesn’t matter to us who wins the Israeli elections, they are all worse than each other, and they are all oppressors. This election has its consequences and effects inside the Zionist regime because it is reflected in the conflict and conflict in occupied Palestine and this accelerates the decline of this regime.

He went on to say: Lebanon has been preserved by God and the equation of power, i.e. the army, the nation and the resistance, and the situation will not change for us after the Israeli elections because our power remains intact.

Nasrallah added: Whoever is attached to the American guarantee should ask the Palestinians to adhere to the American guarantees in their agreements regarding the delineation of the maritime border. About us, the achieved result will stand.

The Secretary General of Hezbollah of Lebanon emphasized: The goals of all American governments are the same and only the tactics and methods are different. The first party responsible for the survival of the Zionist regime in our region is the successive American governments.

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When Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah has a high regard for the weakness of Washington and Tel Aviv

Nasrallah clarified: All attacks by the Zionist regime on Palestinians are the responsibility of America.

He also said about the results of the American elections: the results of the American elections will not change because America and its Republicans and Democrats are on the same side. Instead of pleasing them, we should rely on ourselves and our power and friends.

Referring to the hostile position expressed by an official in the US State Department against Hezbollah, Nasrallah added: I say to him, who the hell is he? The Zionist regime, which tried to displace and kill and consider the blood of Palestinians and Lebanese as permissible, did it with the support and support of whom? The curse of the Israeli attack on Lebanon in 1982, which we got rid of, was caused by America and it was made by America. The resistance, of which Hezbollah is an essential part, along with other groups, removed this curse and drove away this plague.

Referring to America’s conspiracies against Lebanon, he added: All those who sought to destroy Lebanon in 2019 after the failure of the civil war project, all of them were corrupt and they are elements affiliated with the American embassy. America prevented other countries from giving aid to Lebanon, and every country that showed courage and stood up to the American embargo and helped Lebanon, America prevented them from accepting this aid and did not allow the Lebanese government to accept this aid.

The Secretary General of Hezbollah of Lebanon continued: We heard that Russia has asked for help to Lebanon, will Lebanon accept and dare? These are our problems here and this happened to us regarding Iran’s aid.

Referring to the American obstacles in the way of Iran’s aid to Lebanon, he added: Some time ago, there were talks about receiving fuel from Iran to increase the hours of electricity supply, and a technical delegation went to Iran, not the Minister of Energy as a political official. We had the opportunity to reach 10 hours of electricity supply and Iran also agreed with the desired values ​​and decisions were made, but the project was delayed because the curse of America prevented it.

Nasrallah emphasized: The border demarcation agreement did not come to fruition because of Lebanon, but because of keeping the region away from war, because the US government’s priority right now is Ukraine, Russia, and energy. America also knows the conditions of the Zionist regime.

He added: Who is preventing Egypt’s gas and Jordan’s electricity from reaching Lebanon so far? American Caesar Act. The Americans, who have failed to overthrow Syria through terrorists and the financial support of Takfiris, want to destroy Syria through hunger and cold.

The Secretary General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah emphasized: Iran won over the seditious American-Israeli conspiracy, and this will reflect its power in the future.

Nasrallah stated: Lebanon’s power factors must be preserved. The presidency is very important and is related to the national security of the country. The resistance is one of the elements of strength in Lebanon, which is targeted by the Americans, who continue to seek chaos.

He further mentioned the American assistance to the Lebanese army to put it against the Lebanese resistance and spoke about the refusal of the commanders and officers of the Lebanese army to the United States in this regard.

Nasrallah also pointed to the involvement of the American embassy in Beirut in Lebanon’s internal affairs and said about the characteristics of the Lebanese president: The resistance, as a large part of the Lebanese nation, demands the president to reassure the resistance and be brave and prefer the interests of Lebanon to his personal interests and not allow himself to be afraid.

He also spoke about the role of Michel Aoun, the president of Lebanon, in the past six years, and that the resistance created a deterrence equation against the Zionist regime by ensuring his presence in Baabda, and supported Lebanon and completed the delineation of the sea border.

Nasrallah said: We do not want a president who is a supporter of the resistance and a cover for it, because the Lebanese resistance does not need cover or support. What we want is a president who does not stab in the back, and this is at least the characteristic of the president of Lebanon. If the government was in the hands of Hezbollah as they say, at least the country would have electricity. If we want Lebanon to extract its oil and gas, we must look for this type of president. Some who are seeking the presidency want to investigate the issue of resistance in their first appearance, while there are hundreds of sensitive problems and cases, and this is a wrong start.

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