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Israeli elections; Another fragile cabinet is waiting for the Zionists

Pak Sahafat – The Knesset (parliamentary) elections of the Zionist regime started today, while according to polls, despite the right-wing parties being at the top, they will not be able to obtain the necessary majority to form an inclusive and stable cabinet, and it is expected that the political crisis will continue.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, today the Zionist regime is holding the fifth national parliamentary elections in the last four years in the occupied territories, where polls indicate a fragile victory for the right-wing opposition led by Benjamin Netanyahu.

Although the opposition coalition centered on the Likud party headed by Netanyahu is at the top, polls indicate that this coalition will not be able to win the necessary votes to form an inclusive and stable cabinet, and as a result, another fragile coalition cabinet in the country.

In this election, Zionists vote for lists, and any party that gets at least 3.25% of the votes, gets seats in the parliament based on the proportion of the votes it has won. The total number of seats in the Zionist parliament is 120.

The purpose of 3.25 percent is to keep small parties out of the Knesset in order to facilitate the formation of ruling coalitions.

These elections will be held in the shadow of strict security measures due to the fear of Palestinian resistance operations. The Zionist media announced that the security apparatuses of this regime are afraid of the anti-Zionist operations of the Palestinian resistance forces in response to the Zionist crimes at the same time as the elections.

Haft Network of the Zionist regime has announced that following the escalation of tensions in recent days, the security apparatus of the Zionist regime has issued 100 warnings regarding the intention of carrying out anti-Zionist operations in the West Bank.

The network wrote that this number of warnings was unprecedented in the past few days.

Netanyahu’s chance for prime minister

According to the report of Channel 12 of the Zionist regime TV, the results of the latest polls conducted by “Midgam” and “iPanel” indicate that the number of seats in the ruling coalition of Yair Lapid and current Prime Minister and Minister of War Benny Gans in this election is 56 and the opposition coalition led by Netanyahu will be 60 seats, which shows that the political deadlock in the Zionist regime continues after holding five elections in the last four years.

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This poll and other polls such as the poll of channel 13 of the Zionist regime showed that none of these coalitions have enough seats to form a powerful coalition to form the cabinet.

Of course, political instability in the Zionist regime is not unique to recent years. Since 1996, this regime has held an election every 2.6 years on average, and 36 cabinets have changed during the 74-year history of the regime. To better understand the magnitude of this number, it should be noted that during this time period, America has experienced only 14 presidents.

During the past years, it was thought that Netanyahu’s presence caused the crisis in the Israeli regime, but with his removal and the one-year operation of the “change cabinet” (the Naftali Bent-Lapid cabinet), it was proved that it does not matter who is the prime minister of this regime, because in every face political crisis has become a normal thing in the Israeli regime.

According to this poll, the Likud party will gain 31 seats, followed by the Yesh-Etid party, which will be the largest party in the Knesset with 25 seats. The two parties “Religious Zionist” led by “Bazalel Smotrich” and “Jewish Power” led by “Itamar Ben Goyer” will be the third largest coalition with 14 seats.

“Unity” party led by Benny Gantz will win 11 seats. “Shas” party has eight seats, “Torah Jewish Union” party has seven seats, “Israel, our house” has 6 seats, “Kargar” party has 5 seats, “Mirtz” has 5 seats and “Ram” and “Hadash-Ta’al” have 4 seats.

“Beld” and “Jewish House” parties led by “Ayelet Shaked” could not get the percentage of votes needed to win seats in this poll.

At the same time, think tanks and polls still identify Netanyahu as the main candidate for the post of Prime Minister of the Zionist regime.

People participating in the survey were also asked about the trustworthiness of Netanyahu and Lapid. Only 42% of people declared Lapid trustworthy and 37% found Netanyahu trustworthy.

46% of the people participating in the survey considered Netanyahu more suitable for the post of prime minister; While 32% considered Lapid and only 26% considered Gantz suitable.

Extreme right; Collapse catalyst

In a report, the American newspaper Washington Post announced the possibility of extremists gaining power in the Knesset elections of the Zionist regime and wrote: The coalition led by “Itamar Ben Gower” may become the third best coalition in the Knesset.

The Washington Post, in a report referring to the popularity of “Itamar Ben-Guer” among radical Zionist youths, wrote: In the situation where Israelis go to the polls for the fifth time in the last four years, “Ben-Guer”, who is in the right-wing cabinet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who used to play the role of reserve player, has now become the main player in the election.

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This American media evaluated “Ben Goyer” as popular among West Bank Zionist settlers, ultra-Orthodox Jews and other extreme Zionist groups and wrote: “According to the survey of the (so-called) “Israel Democracy” institute, the “Jewish Power” party of Ben Guer, which has formed an alliance with two other extreme parties, is likely to win 14 to 15 seats in the Knesset.

Read more:

Israel’s ruling party loses majority in Knesset / the possibility of new elections is strengthened

In an interview with the Washington Post, Yohanan Plesner, the head of this Zionist institution, stated: if it wins this amount of Knesset seats, the coalition led by Ben Gower will become the third largest coalition in the Knesset after the Likud party led by Netanyahu and Yesh Atid.

The Washington Post added: Netanyahu, who seems to be on the verge of returning to power as prime minister, has not ruled out the possibility of Ben Guer being chosen as a cabinet minister.

This American media evaluated Ben Guer’s growth in the meaning of the growth of extremism and racism in the occupied territories and reported the difference of opinion of the Zionist regime’s lobbies about his presence in the cabinet.

According to the Washington Post, Ben Guer is among the Zionists who believe in the complete expulsion of Palestinians even from the West Bank and the development of settlements.

Ben Guer’s presence in power not only excites the Arabs living in the occupied territories to join the popular intifada in the West Bank, but also causes the Arab countries to move away from the Zionist regime.

This website also reported the concern expressed by the officials of the US President Joe Biden’s government about the rise of extremist Zionists in the occupied territories and wrote: American officials believe that in the event of the emergence of extreme right-wing extremists in Israel, they will not be able to resist people’s requests to change their support position.

Reduction of participation of Arabs

“Arab News”, a Saudi media, quoted its correspondent in the occupied territories and wrote: the participation of Arabs living in the occupied territories in the elections could reach its lowest level in the history of the elections, and the latest survey showed that only 42 percent intend to vote.  This is despite the fact that 67.4 percent of them had voted in the last election.

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The “Single List” party, which represents the Arabs living in the occupied territories, was able to play a role for the first time in the coalition cabinet of Naftali Bennett – Yair Lapid (Cabinet of Change) with four seats.

According to some statistics, one fifth of the population of 9 million people in the occupied territories are Palestinians. Palestinians who stayed in this area after the 1948 war and now live as second class citizens in this area. According to the acknowledgment of discrimination and racism in the occupied territories, the Palestinians living in this area are three times poorer than the Jews.

Political instability in the shadow of internal and external crises

These elections will be held in the shadow of the extensive internal crises of the Zionist regime and the external challenges facing this regime, especially the challenge of dealing with the increasing resistance of the Palestinians. The think tanks and media of the Zionist regime are now not only worried about the danger of increasing the power of drones and missiles and the popular popularity of the resistance groups in Gaza, but they are also worried about more serious threats; Threats that are rare and even unprecedented in the history of the fake Zionist regime since its establishment.

The Zionist think tanks and military are now more concerned about the internal crises inside the occupied territories than they are about the developments outside the geography of the occupied territories; So recently, five ministers of war of the Zionist regime, including Ehud Barak, Gabi Ashkenazi, Benny Gantz, Moshe Ya’alon and Gadi Eisenkot, admitted in an interview with Channel 12 of this regime that “Israel’s existence is under threat from within.

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All the current and former heads of the security agencies of the Israeli regime, from the Mossad to the Shin Bet, believe that the greatest threat to the future of the Israeli regime is the risk of the Israelis losing their unity and being separated into two secular and religious spectrums (Haredi and Zionist).

The polarization of politics in the occupied territories is also an issue that has brought concern to Zionist circles. A group of opponents of Benjamin Netanyahu – the main choice for the prime minister of the Zionist regime – came to the streets on the eve of this election and demonstrated against him.

Protesters against Netanyahu’s participation in the elections, assessed him as corrupt and warned about fraud in the elections.

Now, under the conditions of the threat of Lebanon’s Hezbollah in the north of the occupied territories, the threat of the West Bank in the east and the threat of Gaza in the southwest, the broken structure of the Zionist regime is waiting for bad days that will await it after the elections today.

Yedioth Aharonot newspaper quoted Ofir Barel, a Zionist researcher at Tel Aviv University, wrote: Israel is now more vulnerable than ever due to internal political differences and the inconclusiveness of the four rounds of elections and the gap between Benjamin Netanyahu’s supporters and the opposition.

The lack of differences between the cabinets and the emphasis on resistance

These elections are held while the Palestinian militant groups do not consider the change of the Zionist regime’s cabinet to be a change in the racist and aggressive policies of this regime, especially towards the Palestinians, and they emphasize that the Zionists, with any tendency, taste and political approach against the Palestinian nation have a single point of view, and past experiences have proven that dialogue leads nowhere, and the popular and armed resistance against the occupiers should be continued, not only to take the rights of the Palestinian nation, but also to completely expel them from the Palestinian territory.

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In the latest case, the resistance forces of the “Genin Battalion” affiliated with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement in the West Bank of the Jordan River, on the eve of this election, asked the Palestinian Authority to join the ranks of the nation and the resistance and allow the resistance forces to freely defend the Palestinians.

A fighter of the Jenin battalions said about whether the Palestinians should change their path and move towards popular resistance: There is no place for peaceful solutions in this land.

He said: Israel has not and will not respect any agreement and the Israeli regime’s cabinets are criminal gangs.

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