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Is the ice of Pakistan-Israel relations melting?

Inside the green passport of Pakistan, this sentence is clearly visible and legible: the holder of this passport can travel to all countries of the world, except Israel!

Ms. Anila Ali was born in Karachi, Pakistan. Her father was a diplomat at the Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is why Anila spent her elementary school years in London. He then returned to Pakistan and after receiving her bachelor’s degree from the University of Karachi, she married and lived with her husband in Saudi Arabia for several years. She immigrated to the United States with her family in 1996 and is now the founder of a non-profit organization called the Association for the Empowerment of Women of Different Religions. She is also a political activist and supporter of the Democratic Party of America.

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In Israel, think tanks and various organizations are active. One of the active organizations of this country is a non-profit foundation called Shorka, which is the same Arabic word meaning partnership. The main goal of the Partnership Foundation is to normalize relations between Israel and the Middle East, and the main motto of its website is written in capital letters as follows: Building a new Middle East, with the help of each other.

The Partnership Foundation, in collaboration with Ms. Anila Ali, invites 15 people to Israel on May 10 this year to visit the State of Israel and meet with the President of Israel. At least five Pakistanis were among the visitors. Three of the five Pakistanis traveled to Israel with their second passports, namely Britain and the United States. But the other two Pakistanis travel to Israel with their Pakistani passports, which are not allowed to enter, and then return to Pakistan without any problems.

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Perhaps if President Ishaq Herzog had not addressed the Davos summit on May 25 and had not formally confirmed the news of the meeting, few would have known of such a trip. The two Pakistanis who traveled to Israel with Pakistani passports were Mr. Ahmad Qureshi, a reporter and presenter for the Pakistan National Network, and Mr. Faisal bin Khalid, a Pakistani Jew.

Following the news, the Pakistani Foreign Ministry, while denying any connection with Israel, declared the trip of these individuals completely personal. Ms. Aurangzeb, Minister of Communications and Information of the Government of Pakistan, while personally reading this trip, announced the dismissal of Mr. Ahmad Qureshi from the National Network of Pakistan. But the main thing is that almost everyone knows, it is not possible for two Pakistanis to travel to Tel Aviv with ordinary passports and return to Pakistan without the permission or support of the government in Pakistan and no one will notice!

Before continuing with the message and consequences of this trip and the role of the Pakistani government, writers and journalists in establishing relations between Pakistan and Israel, it is better to have a history of hidden and overt relations between the two governments, since the establishment of Pakistan.

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1948: The first official telegram is sent by the then Prime Minister of Israel, Mr. David Ben-Gurion, to the founder of Pakistan, Mr. Mohammad Ali Jinnah, calling for the recognition of Israel. Mohammad Ali Jinnah never responded to the telegram (which was sent in secret).

1950: An informal and secret meeting is held between the Pakistani ambassador to London and the Israeli representative in London to begin trade from the port of Karachi.

1953: A formal meeting is held between Pakistani diplomat Zafarullah Khan and Israeli diplomat Aba Iban on January 14, 1953 in New York.

1980: Joint cooperation between the Pakistani Army Intelligence Service, the CIA, Mossad and the British spy agency in Operation Cyclone in Afghanistan against the Soviet Army.

1993: Secret meeting between Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and a senior Israeli official in New York. According to reporters, Mr. Parviz Musharraf was also present at the meeting.

2005: Official meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan Mr. Khorshid Mahmood Qasuri with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel Mr. Silwan Shalom in Istanbul on September 1, 2005.

2010: Indirect link between the head of Pakistan’s military intelligence service (General Ahmad Shuja Pasha) and the head of Mossad over terrorist attacks against Jews in India.

2015: Mr. Razmi Suleiman, an Israeli-Arabic scientist, attends a scientific conference in Lahore, Pakistan.

2016: Pakistan-Israel friendship group formed by Pakistani writer Mr. Malek Shah.

2018: A private jet flies from Tel Aviv to Islamabad and stops at Islamabad Airport for 10 hours. Although the State Department denied it, the landing and stopping of the flight was confirmed based on objective evidence at the airport. According to official Israeli newspapers, high-ranking Israeli figures were involved in the prose. There is some speculation about the presence of Benjamin Netanyahu in this prose.

2020: According to Israeli media, Mr. Zulfi Bukhari, Imran Khan’s representative, traveled to Tel Aviv with his British passport in November 2020 and met with the Mossad chief as a representative of the Pakistani government (Imran Khan). Although Mr. Zulfi Bukhari has denied the news, the Hartuz newspaper claims that the trip took place and that the Hartiz reporter was informed about the trip.

2022: A 15-member delegation, mostly Pakistanis, travels to Tel Aviv in May to meet with the President of Israel.

Read more:

Pakistan condemns Israeli attack on worshippers in Al-Aqsa mosque

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, now that the news of this trip has been made public, Mr. Ahmad Qureshi will probably be fired and forced to emigrate, and Mr. Fishal bin Khalid will be forced to leave Pakistan and immigrate to Israel. In fact, many Pakistanis, especially supporters of Pakistani religious parties, are strongly opposed to any relationship with Israel.

Pakistani government officials also oppose Israel in order not to be hated by the people. But further research shows that since 2005, many efforts have been made by the Pakistani government, led by the Pakistani military, as well as Pakistani elites and writers, to normalize relations.

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Popular Pakistani writers such as Javed Chaudhry, Mubasher Loghman, Hassan Nisar and Ahmad Qureshi have written several articles in Pakistani newspapers about the benefits of normalizing Pakistan-Israel relations, urging the people, government and government of Pakistan to do the same and then like Arab countries will enjoy the benefits of being associated with this occupied regime.

Israeli non-profit foundations such as the Shrek have also focused their programs on Pakistan after their success in the Arab world, and by introducing opportunities for cooperation between the two countries, especially in economic and scientific cooperation on agriculture, optimal consumption. New Water and Banking Software seeks to thaw Pakistan-Israel relations with warmth created by Pakistani elites and influential people.

However, it seems that with increasing economic pressures on the weak economy of Pakistan as the fifth most populous country in the world and the only country in the Islamic world with a powerful army equipped with nuclear weapons, in the not too distant future will see expansion of relations between Islamabad and Tel Aviv.

The majority of Pakistanis have certainly been opposed to such a relationship, but economic pressure, and the Israeli carrot-and-stick policy, along with encouraging Pakistani elites, may reduce the heat of opposition, and Pakistan will freeze relations with the country by 2025.

The entry of Pakistani third-generation politicians (mostly trained in British and American universities alongside various international foundations) into politics will multiply the speed of the ice.

Of course, Pakistan should know that Israel never wants to establish relations for the sake of Pakistan’s interests, but the normalization of our relations between Israel and Pakistan guarantees Israel’s interests in the Middle East more than anyone else.

Following the Israeli airstrikes on the Iraqi nuclear reactor at Osarak (17 km from Baghdad) on June 17, 1981, the Israeli army decided, with the help of India, to launch a Pakistani military research center in the Kahuta area of ​​Rawalpindi, one of the centers to bomb the Pakistani army’s nuclear base in the same way.

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