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Friday, September 20, 2024

Iran Warning; It is not possible to return to nuclear commitments without lifting sanctions

France, a party to the Iran nuclear deal, which seeks to hold the Islamic Republic responsible for its failure, has forgotten that the first and last reason for this is the US unilateral withdrawal from the agreement and the imposition of sanctions on Iran, as well as European support for the policy.

France said yesterday, quoting an official from the presidency that “If the Iranians are serious about negotiating and want all parties to the agreement to take part, they must first refrain from nuclear moves and then re-observe what they no longer observe.”

However, the only party that has seriously adhered to its obligations under the nuclear deal is Iran, and this fact has been emphasized by the International Atomic Energy Agency in at least 15 of its reports. On the other hand, the party that has not adhered to its signatures and commitments is the European side, especially France, which was evacuated by French companies before the US withdrew from the nuclear deal. Also, the United States is the only party that has taken and continues to take provocative measures in this agreement.

The ball is now in the court of the United States, which pulled out of the nuclear deal in 2018 to decide whether it wants to continue the Trump administration’s policy on the deal or return to the deal unconditionally. Iran has also stressed that there will be no new talks on a nuclear deal, and that the United States must take the first steps to resolve the crisis, which, after withdrawing from the agreement and imposing sanctions on Iran, has pressured other parties to pursue such a hostile policy.

Today, Iran has responded to all the Zionist and Zionist conditions inside and outside the United States that are trying to provoke the Biden government to take advantage of these sanctions so that Iran is forced to make concessions. “We are still waiting for the official position of the US government on how to return to its obligations and the lifting of illegal sanctions as an integral part of these obligations,” Iranian government spokesman Ali Rabiei said yesterday. “There is currently no plan to negotiate with the United States, and any progress in this regard will depend on the practical steps taken by the United States to return to its obligations under Resolution 2231,” Rabiee said: “Of course, the United States will not have time forever, and the window of opportunity is very limited, not only for the United States but also for the European members of the UN Security Council.” Rabiee also said in response to the question of how the sanctions are to be lifted given the government’s short time: “De-escalation depends on the will of both sides. Iran has never wanted to initiate tensions with any country. “It was the US administration, especially the previous administration, that betrayed the vision of a relationship that could serve peace and stability and the region and the world in the interests of its gang.”

It has been proven to the Europeans and the United States that it is illogical to ask Iran to take the first step and give them concessions while Iran is under cruel sanctions, especially in the field of medicine and food.

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