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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Documents on the role of the United States in the martyrdom of Hussein Badruddin al-Houthi

According to newly released documents, the US government played an active role in the martyrdom and assassination of the former Yemeni Houthi leader Hussein Badruddin al-Houthi.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency International group, According to newly discovered documents, the US government was directly involved in the 2004 attack by the then Yemeni government on Saada province and the assassination of Hussein Badruddin al-Houthi.

According to Sabant News Agency, On June 18, 2004, the government of Ali Abdullah Saleh launched a war against the Houthi movement in Saada province, led by Sayyid Hussein Badruddin al-Houthi, and attacked the province with tanks, artillery, fighters, dozens of battalions, and thousands of troops.

The war comes five days after Ali Abdullah returned from the United States to meet with George W. Bush and his deputy Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and then-Secretary of State Colin Powell and CIA and FBI officials.

At first, the Americans thought that “Ali Abdullah Saleh” could win the battle in a few weeks and martyr “Hussein Badruddin al-Houthi”, so they tried to avoid any presence in this war. But the failure of Abdullah Saleh’s government to win prompted the Americans to take direct action, and two months after the start of the war, the commander of the “Formalist of the Horn of Africa” ​​arrived in Sanaa to assist Abdullah Saleh in the war.

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The first document

The document, which is part of the Abdullah’s government military intelligence service, states that on September 8, 2004, Gen. Abu Zaid, the commander of Centcom, made an unannounced visit to the US commander in the Horn of Africa, from where he left for an unknown destination.

After that, US Commander in the Horn of Africa General Samuel Hallen arrived in Sanaa on September 22, 2004 and met with the Yemeni Minister of Defense and Interior.

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The second document

The confidential document (belonging to the Ministry of Defense Command and Control Center) mentions a meeting attended by the Interior Minister, the Commander-in-Chief of the Army, the Minister of Defense, the Chief of the Military Intelligence Service, the Yemeni National Security Advisor and several Yemeni military and security officials.

At the meeting, which took place two days before the arrival of the American commander in Sanaa, everyone stressed the need to achieve important military achievements in Saada.

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Read more: Al-Houthi: The option of war in Yemen is a US priority: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=6619

The meeting also decided to send a battalion of anti-terrorism forces to Saada. It seems that the Yemeni military and security officials at the time were trying to achieve a significant achievement in Saada before the arrival of the American commander.

The third document

The document refers to a meeting between the then Yemeni interior minister and the Italian ambassador on July 6, 2004, and the Saleh government official asked him to help Italy, like France and the United States, to the Yemeni government in the fight against Hussein Badreddine al-Houthi.

According to the document, the Yemeni interior minister asked the Italian ambassador for bulletproof vests and told him that the Yemeni government had received assistance from the United States, France and some Arab countries.

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The fourth document

In the September 10 document, Sentcom commander John Abu Zaid congratulated Ali Abdullah Saleh on the martyrdom and assassination of Hussein Badruddin al-Houthi and wished to develop joint cooperation.

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The fifth document

This document belongs to WikiLeaks and the letter of “Thomas Krajiski”, the then US ambassador to Sanaa, to the US State Department, in which the government of Abdullah Saleh reduced the role of the US in the assassination of “Hussein Badraldin Al-Houthi” and downplayed it.

The US ambassador wrote in the letter that Interior Minister Abdullah Saleh himself had told the US delegation that field commanders in Saada owed the victory against the Houthis to American training and that at least 40 army soldiers would have been killed in the assassination of Hussein Badraldin al-Houthi without US help.

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The sixth document

In the document, which was published on the WikiLeaks website, Ali Abdullah Saleh wrote a letter to George W. Bush in 2007 asking him to provide $ 2 billion in military aid to Sanaa or to ask the Gulf Arab states to provide such assistance.

In the letter, Ali Abdullah Saleh told George W. Bush that he had entered the war with the Houthis because of the Americans, and that the Houthis were endangering American interests in the region.

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