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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Disagreements within the Israeli military over warships with Iran

The Hebrew website Vala revealed that, based on recent reports of reciprocal targeting of ships in the Red Sea, the Israeli military has criticized the Israeli occupation army’s approach to Iran.

Sources on this site said: “The fact that the Iranians have attacked two Israeli civilian fleets shows that the battle is not being managed, and that this campaign must be confidential, vague and indirect so that it certainly does not jeopardize Israel’s interests.”

He added: “At this stage, the complex security reality created by foreign reports of an Israeli attack on an Iranian ship at sea cannot be ignored, especially after the United States has denied any involvement in the incident.”

Today, Israeli Occupation military Minister Benny Gantz declined to comment on a New York Times report that an Israeli commando attacked an Iranian ship in the Red Sea.

Gantz said: “Wherever there is an operational challenge, we will do the opposite. I do not want to comment on any of our actions in the Middle East.”

“I do not mean work here or work in the north. We are committed to defending Israel,” he added.

On Tuesday evening, an Iranian ship was attacked in the Red Sea off the coast of Eritrea. The news was confirmed by the Iranian news agency Tasnim, which reported that Saviz had been attacked using sea mines attached to it.

An American source told the New York Times that Israel had informed the United States that it was attacking the ship. According to the same source, Israel described the attack as “revenge after previous Iranian attacks on Israeli ships.”

The source said that Israel informed the United States that the attack took place yesterday at around 7:30 pm and was postponed due to the permission of the American aircraft carrier Dwight Eisenhower to leave Savage.

U.S. officials told Reuters yesterday that the United States had not carried out the attack, which took place just hours after talks between the powers and Iran over a nuclear deal in Vienna.

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