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Friday, September 20, 2024

Dangerous plans of the Zionist regime with the money of the UAE!

The relentless efforts of Zionist regime to connect Asia to Europe and reduce global trade dependence on the Suez Canal are not unrelated to the flood of UAE investment in the regime and its plan to compromise with some Arab countries.

The Zionist regime’s “National Security Research Center” calls for the implementation of the regime’s projects to connect Asia and Europe in order to reduce the dependence of world trade on the Suez Canal. In a report by Tamer Fedlon, Auer Wintour, and Samuel Evan, researchers at the center, referring to the shipwreck in the Suez Canal that disrupted global trade, the need for alternative routes, especially by This regime is emphasized.

The center’s report states that the incident of the deviation of the giant ship from the Suez Canal, the need for alternative solutions that the regime can offer to reduce the dependence of global trade on the canal. One of these ways is to establish a land connection route between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, which could serve the interests of global trade networks, especially in the Arab countries bordering the Persian Gulf.

Researchers in the report claim that these alternative routes do not affect the revenues of the Suez Canal because the increase in global trade volume creates more capacity to use this channel and “Israeli” alternative routes.

Therefore, since the incident of the diversion of the giant ship “Ove Gyeon” in the Suez Canal, which interrupted international navigation, the Zionist regime, using this incident as a pretext, has been constantly creating alternative solutions instead of this Egyptian water canal under the pretext of supporting Global trade speaks for itself.

Recently, the Israeli center raised the issue again, calling for special projects to connect Asia to Europe and reduce dependence on the Suez Canal.

But on a practical level, the regime’s proposed projects are based on the establishment of a land route by this regime to connect the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea.

According to the regime’s media reports, this route is defined in the text of the compromise agreement between the regime and the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf, and according to it, part of the trade process of the Arab Gulf countries from the Suez Canal to the port of Eilat in The south will be relocated, of course, after equipping the port and establishing a railway to transport goods by land to the regime’s ports on the Mediterranean coast.

There is no doubt that Tel Aviv is trying to build a waterway in the Red Sea. Many observers have linked the effort to the UAE’s accelerating investment in the regime, including in the gas sector.

The two sides had previously agreed on a plan to establish a line (Eilat-Asqalan) for the transfer of liquids and a plan to build a railway between the port of Haifa and the city of Abu Dhabi, which passes through Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Netanyahu’s chairman of the Economic Council, Avi Samhun, recently revealed in an interview with the Ma’ariu newspaper that several joint projects with the UAE have been implemented; these projects will have a negative impact on the Suez Canal.

According to Samhoon, these projects will include the launch of a railway between the ports of Haifa and Abu Dhabi – which will pass through Jordan and Saudi Arabia – and the expansion of the capacity of the port of Eilat to accommodate containers carrying goods from Asia to Europe; He also noted that with the implementation of this project, “Israel” will have a water crossing in the south.

The Israeli ambassador to Washington, Gilad Ardan, announced talks between the head of the regime’s National Security Council, Mayer bin Shabat, and his US counterpart, Jake Sullivan, and said that the two sides were working to develop a compromise agreement between Riyadh and Tel Aviv.

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