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Atwan: Is the joint agreement between Jordan, the UAE and Israel the first step in implementing the “deal of the century”?

In his new article, Abdul Bari Atwan examines the tripartite agreement between Jordan, Israel and the UAE entitled “Water for Energy”.

According to Pak Sahafat news agency, Abdul Bari Atwan, editor-in-chief of the Ram Al-Youm e-newspaper and trans-regional newspaper, wrote an article on the “Water for Energy” agreement between Jordan and the Israeli regime, which was signed in collaboration with the UAE to build a massive solar farm in the Jordanian desert.

Abdul Bari Atwan emphasized: The clear titles of this agreement are the return of the West Bank under the rule of Jordan, the handing over of the Gaza Strip to Egypt and the closure of the Palestinian case forever, and no one can prove otherwise.

In other words, the project is mediated by the United Arab Emirates and funded by the United States, the actual implementation of the plans put forward by Jared Kouchner, an adviser and son-in-law of former US President Donald Trump, was held at the Manama Conference in June 2019 with Jordan, Israel and most of the Gulf states, and it was no coincidence that a figure set by the former US president’s son-in-law in Manama in what was then called the “deal of the century”.

It is true that the first steps were taken for the tripartite agreement between Jordan, Israel and the UAE, which is referred to as the “incentive” agreement, under which Jordan seeks to generate electricity for the Israeli regime in exchange for fresh water; But in the light of past experience, all of the so-called “incentive” agreements have been implemented, the most obvious of which is the Israeli-stolen Palestinian gas deal with Jordan. Bought to build a huge solar project in it?

This announced agreement is unreasonable, because when did Israel need to generate Jordanian solar energy and export it to many countries in the world? Does Israel have the only water desalination technology in the world? The world’s largest amount of solar energy is in the occupied Negev Desert near southern Jordan, and the world’s largest desalination plants are located in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states. All these stations were built at least forty years ago under the supervision of European companies in which Israel has no stake. If Jordan is in a water crisis, why not go to Syria, Iraq or even Saudi Arabia and ask for help from Israel.

This is a fraudulent agreement and a naive attempt to cover up the political goal, which is to link Jordan to the occupying Israeli regime and establish it as a strategic partner, as well as to strengthen its political and economic hegemony over Jordan.

Jared Kouchner defends the fraudulent deal, which was backed by the US president’s special envoy for climate affairs, John Kerry, who witnessed a false signature between Israeli Energy Minister Karin Al-Harar and Jordanian Minister of Water and Irrigation Mohad al-Najjar. This agreement was made under the pretext of overcoming the water crisis in Jordan, and we do not know what Jordan has to do with this crisis, as if it is a superpower and has the largest nuclear plants and reactors, which played a major role in the ozone depletion.

The United States and Israel, along with the UAE, are putting Jordan in a more critical situation, including poverty, hunger, unemployment and unprecedented inflation, leading to internal unrest. The Jordanian people have now intensified their protests against the agreement between Jordan and Israel, making it difficult to stop them.

Read more: Atwan: The arrival of Iranian fuel in Lebanon is a victory for the resistance and the failure of US sanctions: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=12166

The Jordanian authorities must understand that the people of this country, together with all the tribal sects, are opposed to the normalization of relations with the occupying Zionist regime and the anti-Palestinian plan called the “Deal of the Century” and the destruction of the Palestinian cause; Because the biggest beneficiary of all these projects is the normalization of relations between the occupying Israeli regime and the biggest loser of Jordan, the victims of both of which are the people of Jordan and Palestine.

The Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood condemned the agreement on November 21, 2021. Earlier, 70 members of the 130-member Jordanian parliament called for an urgent meeting to consider the issue of their country’s agreement with the Zionist regime on solar power generation and desalination.

Yesterday, Jordanian sources reported widespread demonstrations in Amman, the capital, against the normalization of relations with the occupiers. Protesters chanted slogans against normalization with the Zionist regime, calling the water and electricity agreement with Tel Aviv humiliating and insulting.

The nation’s protests on social media against all the normalization of relations with the occupying Zionist regime are all messages and warnings that must be heeded by the Jordanian authorities.

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