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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Attack on Iran … a dream that went to the grave

“Ehud Elam”, a former expert of the Zionist regime’s military intelligence organization, wrote in an article in “Israel Defense” magazine: Diplomacy is the best option to curb the growth of Iran’s nuclear program as much as possible, but that option may also fail, so we must prepare for a military option to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon; If the country continues its efforts in this regard, Israel will have no choice but to launch an air strike on Iran – despite all possible costs.

Zionist politicians and generals have been talking about attacking Iran for more than 40 years. Many of them are now underground; they died and buried the dream of attacking Iran, leaving this wish to their survivors without any of them daring to carry out these threats. Interestingly, these threats culminate when the United States speaks of the need for diplomacy to deal with Iran’s peaceful nuclear program.

These days, as the new US President Joe Biden emphasizes the need for his country to return to the nuclear deal, we are once again witnessing the height of the Zionist regime’s threats to attack Iran; the latest example of these threats is the same as the statements of Elamite Jews.

The Zionist regime’s threats to attack Iran have become a pretext for jokes and ridicule in the internal circles of this regime and among its public opinion, and the Zionists have always ridiculed Benjamin Netanyahu, whose name has entered the Guinness Book of World Records due to repeated threats against Iran.

Everyone in the world, except the Zionist regime, knows that Iran has passed the stage of military and economic threats. No power on earth can even think of attacking Iran without having to pay a huge price. Even the “shadow government” of the United States has realized this fact; that is why it has changed the way it deals with Tehran and has entered into an interaction with Iran from an equal position. Former US President Barack Obama has previously stated that he wishes to drive the final nail in the coffin of Iran’s nuclear program, but in the real world this is not possible.

Elam, like Netanyahu, has come to believe that the United States has resorted to diplomacy in dealing with Iran because it does not want to fight Iran; The US government has become a peacemaker and has no interest in fighting!! While Elam and Netanyahu have forgotten that the United States has realized the true power of Tehran. If the United States could destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities, it would never wait for Netanyahu to sigh.

It is noteworthy that even Elam, who threatened Iran in his article, implicitly acknowledged the inability of the Zionist regime to carry out its threats. In this article, he asked the United States to provide the regime with a suitable arsenal to have a range of more than a thousand kilometers, suitable for a long distance between the regime and Iran. He also asked the United States to provide the regime with a large anti-tank bomb and heavy B-52 bombers so that it could bomb Iran.

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