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Friday, September 20, 2024

Are Netanyahu’s last days near?

Lapid is reportedly set to announce to Reun Rivlin that he has succeeded in forming a cabinet that would end Netanyahu’s 15-year presidency.

The coming hours in Israel are very sensitive. Unless something special happens, Benjamin Netanyahu’s opponents are very close to forming a government to oust him. This is likely to be the result of Naftali Bennett’s re-emergence on the Netanyahu opposition front, the Coalition for Change.

After the recent clashes between the Arabs and the Jews, Bennett distanced himself from the coalition with the center-right and the left and leaned towards Netanyahu, and that was Bibi’s only achievement in recent events, but this achievement was overshadowed by the general Israeli dissatisfaction with the results of the Gaza war and the harsh criticism of Netanyahu.

Because the goal of removing Netanyahu from power by any means possible, Lapid agreed to split the prime ministerial term with Naftali Bennett and hand over the first two years to a prime minister which was a tempting offer, and the Yemina leader was able to convince members of his opposition party such as Shakid Elite. Of course, it seems that the Knesset representative Amikhai Shikli is still dissatisfied.

However, Lapid is reportedly set to announce to Reun Rivlin that he has succeeded in forming a cabinet that would end Netanyahu’s 15-year presidency.

The Coalition for Transformation is very heterogeneous and consists of contradictory ideologies and ideas, and their only common denominator is hostility to Netanyahu and his removal. Therefore, if the government is formed and the Bibi is removed, the government will most likely be unstable and unlikely to survive.

Netanyahu, who feels the danger of being ousted from power more than ever, has in recent hours called for an immediate meeting with Bennett and Saer and a split in their prime ministership, but has so far received no response.

On the other hand, Bennett has been heavily criticized by a large part of the far right for his alliance with the center-right, left, and indirectly with Mansour Abbas, the leader of the Ra’am party, for his support of forming a government without participating in it.

It remains to be seen whether the formation of the government will be finalized by the coalition and whether Naftali Bennett will change direction again. But the possible removal of Netanyahu from the sphere of Israeli politics will not result in a change in its policies; whether for the Palestinians or regional issues. More radical figures than Netanyahu, such as Saer, Bennett and Lieberman, are in the opposition coalition, making any change virtually impossible.

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