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Saturday, September 21, 2024

An Israeli security center acknowledged the failure of its policies against Syria

The Israel Center for Internal Security Research acknowledged the failure of all of the regime’s policies against Syria and advised its decision-makers to change their policy toward Syria in the face of international efforts to rebuild the country.

The Center for Internal Security Research in Israel, after examining the ten-year crisis in Syria, advised decision-makers in Tel Aviv to pursue a policy toward Syria in a new study by Odi Dickel, director of the Center, and Carmit Blensey, an Israeli researcher.

“Israel must admit that as long as Assad is in power, it is not possible to destroy Iran and its allies on Syrian soil,” Dickel and Blancy said in their study. Therefore, Israel should encourage widespread action to oust Bashar al-Assad from power in the face of international participation and the Arab Gulf states in rebuilding Syria.

The study emphasizes that in order to re-stabilize Syria; Israel must take risks in the short term to prevent Iran and its allied forces from gaining control of Syria, according to the report, by increasing Achieve its role in the following three critical strategic areas:

First: Southern Syria: Israel should use the weakness of Bashar al-Assad‘s regime and the rivalry between Iran and Russia over influence in Syria as an opportunity to pursue an effective policy of attacking Iran’s allies, including Hezbollah, and at the same time strengthen local forces of any age or Druze and through humanitarian aid to communicate with local residents opposed to Bashar al-Assad’s regime, thus providing islands for Israeli influence and disrupting Iran’s plan to establish itself in the region.

Second: Northeast Syria – focusing on the border area between Iraq and Syria

Israel must prepare for the scenario of the absence of American troops. Iran is ready to overcome the vacuum created by the lack of American forces to build a land bridge from Iraq to Syria and Lebanon. Israel is advised to develop channels of cooperation through Kurdish forces and provide them with military and economic assistance, as well as to establish a platform for continued operational activity in the region to prevent Iran’s strategic domination of this strategic region with energy resources and agricultural opportunities.

Third: Syrian-Lebanese borders.

The action and reaction between Hezbollah and Israel has spread to the territory of Syria and around the borders of Syria and Lebanon.

The study adds that Hezbollah’s domination of the Syrian-Lebanese border reflects Israel’s strategic weakness, which enabled Hezbollah to seize power after the second Lebanese war and turned Hezbollah into a political, military, economic and social sphere of influence in Syria. The report urges Zionist leaders to increase Israeli operations in the region as part of the war.

At the end of this research it is stated: In addition, Israel should encourage international intervention to close the Syrian-Lebanese border, which the report says is a vital step in rebuilding and weakening extremists across the region.

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