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America’s withdrawal; Why did Biden raise the white flag in the Ukraine war?

Pak Sahafat – By publishing a note pointing out that the secret negotiations of American security officials with their Russian counterparts turned into public negotiations, the editor of Raei Al-Yum newspaper investigated why the Biden administration changed its approach towards Moscow and raised the white flag in the Ukraine war.

According to the International group of Pak Sahafat news agency, it seems that the secret negotiations between the United States and Russia to achieve a ceasefire in the Ukraine war have become public, and the first public meeting will take place in Turkey. But what is the reason for America’s withdrawal and showing flexibility and raising the white flag in the Ukraine war to talk with Russia? What was the reason for Biden’s meeting with his Chinese counterpart in Indonesia?

“Abdulbari Atwan”, the editor of the electronic newspaper “Rai Elyoum”, published a note about the struggle of the United States to quickly stop the war in Ukraine, and wrote: It is not an exaggeration to say here that the United States of America is trying to quickly stop the war in Ukraine through direct and peaceful negotiations with the Russian leadership to prevent a direct conflict between the two superpowers and to prevent a global nuclear war that will destroy the world. Especially after President Vladimir Putin threatened three times that he would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons if Russia’s territories, including the four officially annexed ones, were to be invaded. He emphasizes that Kherson, the city from which Russian forces retreated a few days ago, was, is and will remain a part of Russia.

He further wrote: After a secret meeting two weeks ago with National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan to find a way to prevent the war from spreading and dragging NATO into it, an official at the White House announced (Monday, November 14) that the head of the US Central Intelligence Service (CIA) is currently in Ankara to meet with Sergei Naryshkin, the head of Russia’s foreign intelligence service, to “convey a message to the Russian side about the consequences of Russia’s use of nuclear weapons.”

Atwan writes: I believe that the purpose of this meeting is not to convey a message about the dangers of Russia using nuclear weapons, because Russia is not a small country that is not aware of the dangers of this, but a superpower that has 6,500 nuclear warheads and hypersonic ballistic missiles that can carry warheads. Missiles capable of reaching the east coast of America and destroying it in less than seven minutes

The note added: America knows it is engaged in a failed war of financial and military attrition in Ukraine, almost nine months into it, and Europeans’ defiant voices have become louder, whether through demonstrations, protests or through official secret channels, demanding an immediate end to this war and the lifting of sanctions. Russia’s economy after their defeat and retreat and the negative effects on European citizens and the EU system itself and the increased probability of its bankruptcy and dismantling.

Read more:

Biden’s costly gamble in Ukraine

The note continues: The United States resorted to two main ways to exit its failed policies in Ukraine and Southeast Asia:

First: opening dialogue channels at the highest levels with the Russian and Chinese poles regarding the tense issues of Ukraine in Europe and Taiwan in Asia. Of course, after the American government realized that its plans to dismantle the Russian-Chinese alliance became impossible.

Second: He told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to stop making unrealistic statements and to stop imposing his exaggerated conditions for sitting at the negotiating table with Russia and reaching political solutions to end the war. Because Zelensky says that he will not negotiate with Putin as long as he is in power.

In this regard, US President Joe Biden found an excuse to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping by participating in the G20 meeting in Bali, Indonesia. This meeting took place at the request of Biden and lasted for three hours, and during the meeting, he said to his Chinese counterpart: How great to meet you,” and the Chinese president’s response was just a broad, long smile.

Atwan wrote in his note today: It is certain that the situation of tension in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait was at the top of the negotiations between the Russian and American leaders, but it is not unlikely that the American president will ask for China’s mediation considering its strong relations with Moscow and the support of the American efforts that have increased at the moment.

Atwan further wrote: From the first day of the war in Ukraine, we said that Russia will not lose, and after its defeats in Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States will not send a single soldier to Kiev to defend it. We emphasized that the Ukrainian people first and the European people second will be the most obvious victims of this war in terms of human, material and economic aspects.

Now it happened as we said. The American government has raised white flags and wants to stop the war immediately. They send their delegations to Ankara and other regions to consult with their Russian counterparts to achieve this goal.

He added: America defeated Nazism and won World War II because it had nuclear weapons. Now the verse is back, because its leaders forgot two main things: First, it is facing two nuclear enemies in China and Russia, and above them, North Korea. and secondly, America is no longer the only biggest power capable of dominating the world and its economic, military and political possibilities. It seems that Russian President Vladimir Putin has opened America’s eyes to this bitter truth by sending his troops to Ukraine and returning four regions to Russian sovereignty, and before that the Crimean Peninsula.

In the end, he wrote: We expect that in the coming days and weeks an imminent agreement and a ceasefire in the war in Ukraine will be reached according to Russia’s terms.

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