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Friday, September 20, 2024

America will never punish its soldiers!

The aggression and crimes of the forces of America against the citizens of the American-occupied countries are rooted in the nature and temperament of these forces, which do not adhere to any morals and principles, and always commit occupation and aggression wherever they go.

There are many examples of this aggression, and it cannot be limited to the occupation of the American continent and the burial of its original nation alive in wars, rather, these crimes were the killing of millions of people and the dropping of a nuclear bomb on the heads of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan in 1945, during which more than 140,000 people were killed in Hiroshima and 80,000 in Nagasaki, and then the Vietnam War in Between 1955 and 1975, according to one source, the number of civilian casualties during the US-led invasion was about 365,000.

It then includes the occupation of Afghanistan in 2001, the occupation of Iraq in 2003, and Syria in 2014.

The latest news to be revealed by the American press is the New York Times report on Monday on the killing of civilians in Syria by a secret war cell that dropped thousands of bombs and missiles on civilians and killed many of them. The Pentagon later announced that it was withdrawing punishment from troops of America involved in a drone strike that killed ten Afghan civilians, including seven children, in Kabul in late August.

America kills then admits, but never apologizes

That’s what followed the killing of ten Afghan civilians, and Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said “There is no strong enough evidence to hold anyone responsible for the attack,” said Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austen, who decided on the attack in the final days of the US military presence in Afghanistan after receiving a report from two officers.

The New York Times also reported that the U.S. Air Force investigator investigated the details of the August 29 attack, claiming that he had seen no signs of breaking the law. But he has authorized military commanders to punish and reprimand those involved in the attack.

According to the report, Austen said he agreed with General Mackenzie, the commander-in-chief of US forces, and Richard de Clark, the commander of Special Operations, that no punishment was needed.

In March 2013, Americans, both Democrats and Republicans alike, who participated in the occupation of Iraq, confessed to the world that former U.S. servicemen who had won medals of bravery after deliberately killing Iraqi civilians confessed that ten years ago they made a big mistake with the occupation of Iraq.

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Most of them, and most of the media and research institutes like Rand and members of the US Senate like Hillary Clinton, supported the war.

Man has no value

More importantly, they made a big mistake, such as sending Paul Bremer to carry out the mission of “disintegrating Iraq” and destroying the country and paralyzing the wheel of its economy, and turned Iraq into a country that imported its needs from abroad and had no products.

The United States has confessed to killing 160,000 Iraqis and thousands of other mercenaries whose mission was to kill and kill outside the bounds of custom and humanity, and no one would punish them for their crimes.

They spoke of the two million homeless Iraqis at the time, about the mass exodus of the world’s oldest Christian groups, and the $ 1 trillion cost of the war, which is said to be one of the main causes of the financial crisis in the United States and Europe.

What happened in Syria?

The U.S. military and intelligence services announced that a “top-secret cell” in US forces has planned to fire tens of thousands of rockets and bombs at Syria under the pretext of attacking ISIL, which has led to the killing of innocent civilians.

The New York Times quoted current and former military and intelligence officials as saying last Sunday: The Special Forces unit, known as “Talon Anvil”, is responsible for a large-scale operation in which tens of thousands of rockets and bombs were used, claiming that the attacks targeted the terrorist group ISIS.

However, these forces violated security laws and killed civilians between 2014 and 2019.

Among them were the killing of people who had no role in the conflict, including farmers trying to harvest crops, children on the streets and families fleeing the war, and villagers taking refuge in buildings.

According to the report, Talon Anvil, a group operating from unidentified rooms filled with flat-panel monitors, played a major role in firing 112,000 bombs and missiles.

What about Afghanistan?

The war in Afghanistan has lasted for about 20 years and is the longest US war in history, following the 9/11 attacks that killed more than 47,000 to 51,000 Afghan civilians. The death toll has risen to tens of thousands, including US and allied forces, as well as Afghan forces and police.

In tradition of America, the military is not convicted even if it commits heinous crimes. Yes, they may admit their mistakes, but the criminal forces of this country are not punished. Rather, they enjoy the immunity that other soldiers act in their own way and follow their example. This law applies not only to the US military but to all institutions that support US interests, from the illegitimate Israeli regime to rulers who advocate US interests.

The difference between the Israeli regime and other rulers, especially Arab leaders, is that US support for Israel is constant and continues as long as it plays a key role in the region, but as soon as Arab rulers become burnt nuts, the United States quickly refuses to support them.

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