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Ambiguity in the results of the Iraqi election and three scenarios for overcoming the crisis

While protesters insist on manually counting all ballot boxes, the task of the Iraqi election results is still unclear, especially as the Iraqi High Electoral Commission is in a tight spot.

According to Pak Sahafat news agency, an informed source in the Iraqi Federal Supreme Court explained the court’s position regarding the confirmation of the results of the early parliamentary elections.

The Iraqi official told Shafaq News: The Federal Supreme Court will approve the election results and the names of the winning candidates after the full review of the complaints by the judiciary and the submission of the final results; therefore, there is no specific time to confirm the final results.

The Iraqi official, who did not want to be named, said about the requests to annul the results of the parliamentary elections: It is time consuming to consider what is being said in these petitions, and there is no specific timeframe for the federal court to determine its task, but the issue will certainly be resolved before the final results and names of the winning candidates are finalized.

The latest developments related to the examination of the election results by the Commissariat

The Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) issued a statement outlining the latest developments in the election results.

The official statement of the Electoral Commission states that the Judicial Council appointed by the Supreme Judicial Council to review electoral complaints has reviewed 1436 electoral complaints.

The UNHCR has been tasked with manually recounting a number of funds, and the rest of the complaints are the result of legal and technical issues that have led to the cancellation of some funds.

The statement did not elaborate on the number of canceled funds or the number of items to be recounted.

What is the position of the extension movement?

The “Extension Movement”, one of the organizations that emerged from the Iraqi protests, stressed the health of the elections and announced that it would not form an alliance with the traditional parties and had no plans to enter the new government.

“Minar al-Obeidi,” a spokesman for the Extension Movement, one of the organizations that emerged from the October 2019 protests in Iraq, stressed that the delegates from this organization are working to properly rebuild the country’s political process.

He said the “Extension” faction was not worried about losing its seats and would not enter into any alliance with the traditional parties that have been in power for the past two decades.

Al-Obeidi stressed that the “Extension” movement has its own popular base and will form part of the independent opposition representatives in parliament, and this is a decision that will not change.

He added that the organization would win more seats in the upcoming elections.

Regarding the protests against the results of the Iraqi elections, al-Obaidi said that the elections were completely transparent and healthy.

He stressed that the election results should not be changed and democracy should be preserved in the country.

He added that he has full confidence in the judiciary in this regard and that the protesters should be content with filing a lawsuit.

Changes in election results proved the electronic results to be incorrect

Uday al-Khudran, one of the leaders of the Fatah coalition in Iraq, said the changes that resulted from the election were an emphasis on electronic errors.

He added: We did not complain in vain, but we did so by carefully examining the events and calling for a manual counting of votes, which led to changes not only in the Fatah coalition but also in other political groups.

Al-Khudran called the manual counting of all ballot boxes a fair request and a reassuring message to all, and announced that major changes would take place in the coming days, especially as many ballot boxes would be manually counted according to the orders of the judiciary.

Probability of entering religious authority

“Ahmad al-Kanani,” a member of the Fatah coalition, said: With the current situation, it means that there is no understanding between the groups protesting the results and the winning groups, if it continues, maybe the authority will take action to end this situation, especially since the current situation does not allow much procrastination.

He continued: Political problems have primarily affected the lives of the people, and the continuation of this situation will lead to the arrival of the authority to end the suffering of the people, which is in political, economic and even social dimensions.

Al-Kanani said: Ignoring the demands of the protesters has caused a new crisis. The complaint should be considered in accordance with the demands of the protesters and not the demands of the Commissariat.

Asaeb Ahl al-Haq’s stance on the elections

“Hussein al-Shahmani,” a member of the political office of Asaeb Ahl al-Haq in Iraq, said: The UNHCR’s procrastination stems from internal and external pressure to prevent the rise of some organizations.

He added: If the pressures are removed, the losing groups will come to the top and the results will be seismic.

Al-Shahmani said: There has been blatant manipulation of the election results. Violators must be held accountable and all ballots counted manually.

Negotiations between the Coordination Board and the Sadr Movement work

Hamid al-Mutlaq, an Iraqi politician, called any talks without understanding between the coordination framework of Shiite groups and the Sadr movement useless.

Three scenarios of the rule of law coalition to resolve the election results crisis

“Jassim al-Bayati,” one of the leaders of the Iraqi Rule of Law coalition, said: The UNHCR is in dire straits after facing strong evidence of electoral fraud, and is therefore reluctant to announce the final results because of this evidence.

Read more: How was the UAE accused of manipulating the Iraqi elections?: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=13333

He added: The victory of the five candidates by opening 50 ballot boxes has put the UNHCR in a tight spot, and what will happen if 40,000 ballot boxes are counted?

Al-Bayati said: The election crisis has become very complicated and can be resolved in three scenarios;

The first is to count all the votes and send a reassuring message to everyone through the joint committees.

Second, canceling the election is very difficult.

Third, the protesters should accept the results and form an interim government for a year or a year and a half, and prepare for early elections.

At the same time, he considered the best scenario to be a manual recount of all votes because it is closer to everyone’s point of view.

The Commissariat is in dire straits

“Mohammad al-Baldawi,” the victorious representative of the Iraqi Fatah coalition, said: The facts and evidence presented by the groups protesting the election results have been fruitful, and the UNHCR is currently in its worst situation, facing a lack of credible evidence, and has since reversed its decision to announce the results within two days.

He further revealed: One of the strongest reasons is that the UNHCR did not report to the parliament on the possibility of hacking the polling stations when the parliament had not yet been dissolved, indicating a previous intention to change the course of the results.

Al-Baldawi emphasized: There is no option before the UNHCR other than the manual counting of all votes to remove any doubts from the UNHCR.

The introduction of the Prime Minister will take more than three months

“Mukhtar al-Musawi, a member of the Iraqi Conquest Coalition, said: The nomination by Sadr and the coordination framework for Shiite groups will complicate the next phase, and it is unlikely that the prime minister will be announced in the short term, which will take a long time.

He clarified: The coming days will be very difficult for Iraq, and it needs wisdom in making decisions and choosing the right person.

However, in a situation where the task of the election results has not been finalized yet, some sources close to the Sadr faction announced its determination to nominate three people as candidates for the post of Prime Minister of Iraq.

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