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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Al-Qaeda, Saudi Arabia’s tool in Yemen to attack UAE allied militias

Field movements in southern Yemen have shown that al-Qaeda in Yemen has become a tool in the hands of the Saudi government to attack Sanaa government positions as well as pro-UAE militias.

Internal differences between the various groups of the Saudi coalition in Yemen, along with other important factors, are one of the reasons for Riyadh’s failure in Yemen.

According to the website of Al-Akhbar newspaper, al-Qaeda terrorists have targeted the checkpoints and checkpoints of the militants of the “Al-Hazam Al-Amni” group affiliated with the “Southern Transitional Council” political group (Southern Transitional Council) in the southern Yemeni province of Abin.

Last Sunday, al-Qaeda operatives also attacked the headquarters of the Transitional Council in Shabwa province. On Thursday last week, al-Qaeda also claimed responsibility for a rocket attack on UAE-affiliated forces at a gas facility.

All of these attacks are against militias aligned with the UAE and Emirati forces, while al-Qaeda terrorists in Ma’rib province are fighting alongside the Saudi coalition against the Yemeni army and popular committees.

However, the presence of al-Qaeda terrorists in areas under the influence of the Saudi army is very limited, and the militants of the Transitional Council raise the question of why al-Qaeda terrorists have not yet attacked the positions of elements of Mansour Hadi’s government. In addition, they are fighting alongside the forces of the Hadi government against the militants of the Transitional Council and the forces of the Sanaa government.

Al-Akhbar added that al-Qaeda terrorists’ fight with the Saudi coalition is not aimed at dominating a region and forming an “Islamic Emirate”, but that they want to ensure their survival under the control and support of Saudi Arabia, while most of its members belong to the Brotherhood.

Al-Qaeda will have no other refuge after the defeat of the Saudi coalition in Yemen, so it is fighting against the Yemeni army and Ansarullah. As for the UAE, the Saudi government knows that if it loses in northern Yemen, the UAE in southern Yemen will win; Therefore, with the complete domination of the army and Ansarullah over the northern regions, the Southern Transitional Council will also find the necessary excuse to dominate the southern provinces and the UAE will strengthen its foothold in southern Yemen, so the Saudis will use the al-Qaeda card against the UAE.

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