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Friday, September 20, 2024

Achilles Biden’s heel in key US states

A report shows that key US states are experiencing higher inflation than other US states.

Pak Sahafat News Agency – The impact of rising prices, which has affected Americans nationally, has been worse in key electoral states.

According to Axius, some of the most politically sensitive voters are those who feel the price increase strongly.

During the volatile midterm for Democrats, inflation concerns led the party to focus its messages on spending cuts and tax cuts.

Axius has calculated the percentage increase in the US consumer price index from February 2020, just before the epidemic, until last month.

The average US consumer price index in February 2020 was 257.97; this number reached 281.15 in February 2022, which means a growth of 8.2 percent.

Inflation in urban areas in Florida, Georgia and Arizona has been significantly higher than the average in other US cities.

In the Atlanta area, the change was 11.7 percent; In Florida, the difference between Tampa and Miami was 11.8 percent and 10.2 percent, respectively; in urban areas of Arizona, the difference was 10.7 percent.

Read more:

Inflation in America; People cannot afford medical expenses

In West Coast cities, including the key state of Nevada, the difference was 8.4 percent; this is higher than the overall average of American cities.

Axis senior economic correspondent Neil Irwin says higher rates in these key areas stem from the fact that they have characteristics associated with high inflation; these areas include factors such as the influx of residents and the large number of university-educated adults.

They receive higher salaries, tend to increase rents, and have enough disposable income to allow restaurants and shops to raise prices.

However, Joe Biden has made concerted efforts to blame Russia’s recent rise in gasoline prices.

Biden claims that the pain that Americans feel over gasoline is a direct result of Russia’s actions in Ukraine.

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