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2022; the year of intensification of isolation and disintegration of the Zionist regime

Pak Sahafat – The Zionist regime started the year 2022 with the internal crisis and the dissolution of the Knesset and the Cabinet, and ended it in the worst conditions of social-political disruption, international isolation, and the rise of the Palestinian intifada and resistance.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, On June 20, 2022, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Deputy Prime Minister Yair Lapid announced the dissolution of the Knesset and the holding of the fifth election of the Zionist regime in less than four years.

On November 1, the 25th elections were held in the occupied territories and the right-wing coalition led by Benjamin Netanyahu won.

On November 13, Netanyahu was commissioned to form a cabinet by “Ishaq Herzog”, the president of the Zionist regime.

On December 29, Netanyahu was sworn in as the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime.

On January 7, protest demonstrations against the ruling cabinet’s judicial reforms began, and on January 14, hundreds of thousands of Zionists took to the streets against it.

On January 19, the Supreme Court of the Zionist regime declared the Minister of Internal Affairs, Aryeh Darei, ineligible for the post of minister due to his history of corruption, and on January 22, he was removed from his position by Netanyahu.

The formation of a coalition government with far-right parties by Netanyahu has brought many reactions and concerns. Thousands of diplomats and former officials of the Zionist regime warned about the dangers of the new right-wing cabinet for the position of this regime in the world and the region.

The division and division of Zionists according to statistics

The results of a new survey in the occupied territories once again revealed the extremely bipolar nature and the intense conflict and differences between the Zionists and their leaders and reported their lack of consensus on various internal cases.

According to the results of the survey of Channel 13 of the Zionist regime TV, 50% of the Zionists believe that the head of the Zionist regime can end the internal dissension caused by the “judicial reforms” bill of the ruling extreme right cabinet in this regime, and the other 33% believe that he can.

Also, based on the results of this survey, 50% of Zionists want to remove Itamar Ben Goyer from the position of the Ministry of Internal Security of the Zionist regime, and only 40% want him to remain in this position.

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In the past weeks, dozens of cities from the north to the south of occupied Palestine, including Tel Aviv, Haifa, occupied Jerusalem, Beersheba, Rishon Letzion and Herzliya, have been the scene of demonstrations against the far-right cabinet.

This demonstration was held in the shadow of a fierce conflict between the coalition of the far-right cabinet led by Netanyahu and the opposition faction led by the former Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, Lapid.

The heads of the opposition of the Zionist regime consider the judicial reforms of Netanyahu’s cabinet to weaken the judicial system and Netanyahu’s attempt to prevent his trial for three cases of corruption and bribery, and they believe that these actions of the cabinet will lead the Zionist regime towards conflict and civil war and gradual collapse.

The spark of the third intifada in the occupied territories

In 2023, with the increase of extremism in the ruling body of the Zionist regime, the attacks against the Palestinians increased and one of the most famous journalists of the Palestinian area named “Shirin Abu Aqla” was shot by the Zionist soldiers and was martyred.

Against the aggression and killing of the Zionists, the resistance forces did not sit idly by and marked one of the deadliest years for the Zionist soldiers and settlers in the occupied areas.

Many experts have assessed the increase in attacks by the resistance forces and the Palestinian people against the Zionist military and the occupying settlers, especially in the West Bank and the occupied territories of 1948, as the beginning of the third intifada.

Four Zionists were killed in a vehicle attack by the resistance forces on March 22.

Seven days later on March 29, one of the resistance forces killed five Zionists in Tel Aviv.

On April 7, three Zionists were killed by the Palestinian resistance in Tel Aviv.

On April 11, 2 Zionists who had desecrated Al-Aqsa Mosque were targeted by an armed attack.

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On April 15, the Zionist regime police attacked Al-Aqsa Mosque and more than 150 Palestinians were injured in the conflict between the worshipers and the police.

On April 30, a Zionist soldier in Tel Aviv was attacked by resistance forces and killed.

May 5, three more Zionists were killed by resistance fighters.

On May 11, Palestinian-American journalist Shirin Abu Aqla was killed by direct fire from the Israeli forces while covering the attack of the Zionist forces on Jenin.

From 5th to 7th August, the Zionist regime attacked the Gaza Strip and martyred “Tiser Jabari”, one of the leaders of the Islamic Jihad movement. Attack responded.

On November 15, while the members of the new Knesset of the Zionist regime were taking the oath, a Zionist was killed by resistance groups in the town of Ariel in the West Bank.

On November 23, a Zionist was killed and 23 other Zionists were injured after two bus stops exploded in Jerusalem.

On January 3, the attack by the Zionist regime’s hardline minister of internal security, Bin Guer, from Jerusalem caused the anger of the Palestinians and the protest of various Arab-Islamic countries.

On January 27, seven Zionists were killed and 10 others were wounded as a result of an attack by resistance forces on a Zionist synagogue in East Jerusalem.

On January 28, a 13-year-old Palestinian seriously wounded 2 Zionists in East Jerusalem.

Read more:

Center for Palestinian Studies: Israel’s internal crisis is deepening

The emergence of the “Shiran Bisheh” group and the defeat of Hezbollah

Despite the presence of traditional resistance groups such as the Fatah movement in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza, new movements such as the Islamic Jihad movement have robbed the eyes of the Zionists.

In 2022, the West Bank witnessed the emergence of a new group of Palestinian fighters who called themselves Shiran Bisheh (Arin al-Asud). Nablus and the east of the occupied territories are the places of struggle and resistance of this group.

This militant group consists of determined young people dressed in black and uniform, whose barrels are covered with pieces of red cloth to show that they are not afraid of martyrdom and shedding their blood for the liberation of Palestine.

The important point in this is that the leaders of the Zionist regime, who until now dreamed of achieving the empire from the Nile to the Euphrates, are now surrounded in the occupied territories. The all-round resistance of the Palestinians from the west, east and center in the occupied territories and the powerful resistance of Hezbollah from the north has turned into a hammer on the Zionists’ heads and turned their nightmare into a reality.

On October 27, representatives of the Zionist regime and Lebanon signed an agreement on the demarcation of maritime borders, and another success was achieved for Lebanon’s Hezbollah in the diplomatic and economic fields.

The retreat of the Zionist regime in the “Karish” case showed that this regime only understands the language of force and that the answer to this regime’s aggression is only resistance.

Tel Aviv in the shock of Tehran-Riyadh agreement

The Zionist regime, which since its establishment as a cancerous tumor in the region, has tried to make the region subject to unrest and strife by implementing the English policy of “divide and rule” and to continue its parasitic life. He did it for Iran-phobia and creating tension between Tehran and the Arab capitals of the region.

On March 27, the Negev meeting was held in the occupied territories with the presence of the representatives of Egypt, Bahrain, Maghreb, and the United Arab Emirates and “Anthony Blinken”, the US Secretary of State. On April 1, the Zionist regime and the UAE concluded negotiations for free trade.

The Zionist regime was certain of the success of the Iranophobia project to get closer to the Arab countries of the region, and the signing of the so-called “Ibrahim” normalization treaty with Saudi Arabia was one of Netanyahu’s election promises in the recent elections.

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Despite all the efforts of the Zionist regime, the signing of the memorandum of cooperation between Tehran and Riyadh in the last month of the year was cold water on the fire of Netanyahu’s dreams and brought another defeat for this regime in the diplomatic field.

According to experts, the Zionist regime, which tried to increase the pressure on Iran through an alliance with Saudi Arabia, is the biggest loser of the agreement between Tehran and Riyadh.

Increasing international isolation in the shadow of the war in Ukraine

On March 20, “Volodymyr Zelensky” gave a video conference speech at the Knesset of the Zionist regime. This issue provided the basis for the tension between Tel Aviv and Russia in 2022.

On April 4, Yair Lapid, the then foreign minister of the Zionist regime, while continuing to support Ukraine, declared the killing of civilians in “Bucha” area on the outskirts of Kyiv as a war crime.

The support of the previous cabinet of the Zionist regime to Ukraine strained the relations between Tel Aviv and Moscow, so that the Russian judiciary ordered the expulsion of the Jewish Agency – the most important Zionist agency active in moving Jews from all over the world to the occupied territories.

The relations of the Zionist regime with its traditional allies such as the European Union and the United States are also not in a good state, and Tel Aviv’s western allies, under the pressure of public opinion, have refused to accept many of the hardline ministers of his cabinet in their capitals.

Now, the fake Zionist regime is more vulnerable to collapse in the conditions of international isolation and political-social disruption inside, and the end of the lives of the occupiers and the occupation is near.

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